
Python libraries to call UN Comtrade APIs

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

UN Comtrade API Package

This package simplifies calling APIs of UN Comtrade to extract and download data (and much more).


UN Comtrade provides free and premium APIs to extract and download data/metadata, however it is quite a learning curve to understand all of APIs end-points and parameters. This package simplifies it by calling a single python function with the appropriate parameters. Learn more about UN Comtrade at the UN Comtrade wiki.

This project is intended to be deployed at The Python Package Index, therefore the structure of folders follows the suggested layout from Packaging Python Project. The main scripts are located at /src/comtradeapicall/. And the folder tests contains the example scripts how to install and use the package.


This package assumes using Python 3.7 and the expected package dependencies are listed in the "requirements.txt" file for PIP, you need to run the following command to get dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Installing the package (from PyPi)

The package has been deployed to the PyPi and it can be install using pip command below:

pip install comtradeapicall


  • Get/Preview: Model class to extract the data into pandas data frame

    • previewFinalData(SelectionCriteria, query_option) : return data frame containing final trade data (limited to 500 records)
    • previewTarifflineData(SelectionCriteria, query_option) : return data frame containing tariff line data (limited to 500 records)
    • getFinalData(subscription_key, SelectionCriteria, query_option) : return data frame containing final trade data (limited to 250K records)
    • getTarifflineData(subscription_key, SelectionCriteria, query_option) : return data frame containing tariff line data (limited to 250K records)
    • Alternative functions of _previewFinalData, _previewTarifflineData, _getFinalData, _getTarifflineData returns the same data frame, respectively, with query optimization by calling multiple APIs based on the periods (instead of single API call)
  • DataAvailability: Model class to extract data availability

    • getFinalDataAvailability(subscription_key, SelectionCriteria) : return data frame containing final data availability
    • getTarifflineDataAvailability(subscription_key, SelectionCriteria) : return data frame containing tariff line data availability
    • getFinalDataBulkAvailability(subscription_key, SelectionCriteria, [publishedDateFrom], [publishedDateTo]) : return data frame containing final bulk files data availability
    • getTarifflineDataBulkAvailability(subscription_key, SelectionCriteria, [publishedDateFrom], [publishedDateTo]) : return data frame containing tariff line bulk files data availability
    • getLiveUpdate(subscription_key) : return data frame recent data releases
  • BulkDownload: Model class to download the data files

    • bulkDownloadFinalData(subscription_key, directory, SelectionCriteria, decompress, [publishedDateFrom], [publishedDateTo]) : download/save final data files to specified folder
    • bulkDownloadTarifflineData(subscription_key, directory, SelectionCriteria, decompress, [publishedDateFrom], [publishedDateTo]) : download /save tariff line data files to specified folder
  • Async: Model class to extract the data asynchronously (limited to 2.5M records) with email notification

    • submitAsyncFinalDataRequest(subscription_key, SelectionCriteria, query_option) : submit a final data job
    • submitAsyncTarifflineDataRequest(subscription_key, SelectionCriteria, query_option) : submit a tariff line data job
    • checkAsyncDataRequest(subscription_key, [batchId]) : check status of submitted job
    • downloadAsyncFinalDataRequest(subscription_key, directory, SelectionCriteria, query_option) : submit, wait and download the resulting final file
    • downloadAsyncTarifflineDataRequest(subscription_key, directory, SelectionCriteria, query_option) : submit, wait and download the resulting tariff line file
  • Metadata: Model class to extract metadata and publication notes

    • getMetadata(subscription_key, SelectionCriteria, showHistory) : return data frame with metadata and publication notes
    • listReference([category]) : return data frame containing list of references
    • getReference(category) : return data frame with the contents of specific references
  • SUV: Model class to extract data on Standard Unit Values (SUV) and their ranges

    • getSUV(subscription_key, SelectionCriteria, [qtyUnitCode]) : return data frame with SUV data
  • AIS: Model class to extract experimental trade data generated from AIS (ships tracking movement). See Cerdeiro, Komaromi, Liu and Saeed (2020). When consuming the data, users should understand its limitation.

    • getAIS(subscription_key, AISSelectionCriteria, [vesselTypeCode]) : return data frame with AIS trade data

See differences between final and tariff line data at the Wiki

Selection Criteria

  • typeCode(str) : Product type. Goods (C) or Services (S)
  • freqCode(str) : The time interval at which observations occur. Annual (A) or Monthly (M)
  • clCode(str) : Indicates the product classification used and which version (HS, SITC)
  • period(str) : Combination of year and month (for monthly), year for (annual)
  • reporterCode(str) : The country or geographic area to which the measured statistical phenomenon relates
  • cmdCode(str) : Product code in conjunction with classification code
  • flowCode(str) : Trade flow or sub-flow (exports, re-exports, imports, re-imports, etc.)
  • partnerCode(str) : The primary partner country or geographic area for the respective trade flow
  • partner2Code(str) : A secondary partner country or geographic area for the respective trade flow
  • customsCode(str) : Customs or statistical procedure
  • motCode(str) : The mode of transport used when goods enter or leave the economic territory of a country

Query Options

  • maxRecords(int) : Limit number of returned records
  • format_output(str) : The output format. CSV or JSON
  • aggregateBy(str) : Option for aggregating the query
  • breakdownMode(str) : Option to select the classic (trade by partner/product) or plus (extended breakdown) mode
  • countOnly(bool) : Return the actual number of records if set to True
  • includeDesc(bool) : Option to include the description or not

AIS Selection Criteria

  • typeCode(str) : Product type. Only Goods (C)
  • freqCode(str) : The time interval at which observations occur. Daily (D)
  • datefrom(str) and dateto(str) : Date(s) of observation - ASCII format
  • countryareaCode(str) : The country or geographic area to which the measured statistical phenomenon relates. Use getReference('ais:countriesareas') for the complete list.
  • vesselTypeCode(str) : The high level categorization of vessels transporting the goods. Use getReference('ais:vesseltypes') for the complete list.
  • flowCode(str) : Trade flow (exports, imports)

Examples of python usage

  • Extract Australia imports of commodity code 91 in classic mode in May 2022
mydf = comtradeapicall.previewFinalData(typeCode='C', freqCode='M', clCode='HS', period='202205',
                                        reporterCode='36', cmdCode='91', flowCode='M', partnerCode=None,
                                        customsCode=None, motCode=None, maxRecords=500, format_output='JSON',
                                        aggregateBy=None, breakdownMode='classic', countOnly=None, includeDesc=True)
  • Extract Australia tariff line imports of commodity code started with 90 and 91 from Indonesia in May 2022
mydf = comtradeapicall.previewTarifflineData(typeCode='C', freqCode='M', clCode='HS', period='202205',
                                             reporterCode='36', cmdCode='91,90', flowCode='M', partnerCode=36,
                                             customsCode=None, motCode=None, maxRecords=500, format_output='JSON',
                                             countOnly=None, includeDesc=True)
  • Extract Australia imports of commodity codes 90 and 91 from all partners in classic mode in May 2022
mydf = comtradeapicall.getFinalData(subscription_key, typeCode='C', freqCode='M', clCode='HS', period='202205',
                                    reporterCode='36', cmdCode='91,90', flowCode='M', partnerCode=None,
                                    customsCode=None, motCode=None, maxRecords=2500, format_output='JSON',
                                    aggregateBy=None, breakdownMode='classic', countOnly=None, includeDesc=True)
  • Extract Australia tariff line imports of commodity code started with 90 and 91 from Indonesia in May 2022
mydf = comtradeapicall.getTarifflineData(subscription_key, typeCode='C', freqCode='M', clCode='HS', period='202205',
                                         reporterCode='36', cmdCode='91,90', flowCode='M', partnerCode=36,
                                         customsCode=None, motCode=None, maxRecords=2500, format_output='JSON',
                                         countOnly=None, includeDesc=True)
  • Download monthly France final data of Jan-2000
comtradeapicall.bulkDownloadFinalFile(subscription_key, directory, typeCode='C', freqCode='M', clCode='HS',
                                      period='200001', reporterCode=251, decompress=True)
  • Download monthly France tariff line data of Jan-March 2000
comtradeapicall.bulkDownloadTarifflineFile(subscription_key, directory, typeCode='C', freqCode='M', clCode='HS',
                                           period='200001,200002,200003', reporterCode=504, decompress=True)
  • Download annual Morocco tariff line data of 2010
comtradeapicall.bulkDownloadTarifflineFile(subscription_key, directory, typeCode='C', freqCode='A', clCode='HS',
                                           period='2010', reporterCode=504, decompress=True)
  • Download all final annual data in HS classification released yesterday
yesterday = date.today() - timedelta(days=1)
comtradeapicall.bulkDownloadTarifflineFile(subscription_key, directory, typeCode='C', freqCode='A', clCode='HS',
                                              period=None, reporterCode=None, decompress=True,
                                              publishedDateFrom=yesterday, publishedDateTo=None)
  • Show the recent releases
mydf = comtradeapicall.getLiveUpdate(subscription_key)
  • Extract final data availability in 2021
mydf = comtradeapicall.getFinalDataAvailability(subscription_key, typeCode='C', freqCode='A', clCode='HS',
                                                         period='2021', reporterCode=None)
  • Extract tariff line data availability in June 2022
mydf = comtradeapicall.getTarifflineDataAvailability(subscription_key, typeCode='C', freqCode='M', clCode='HS',
                                                        period='202206', reporterCode=None)
  • Extract final bulk files data availability in 2021 for the SITC Rev.1 classification
mydf = comtradeapicall.getFinalDataBulkAvailability(subscription_key, typeCode='C', freqCode='A', clCode='S1',
                                                         period='2021', reporterCode=None)
  • Extract tariff line bulk files data availability in June 2022
mydf = comtradeapicall.getTarifflineDataBulkAvailability(subscription_key, typeCode='C', freqCode='M', clCode='HS',
                                                        period='202206', reporterCode=None)
  • List data availabity from last week for reference year 2021
mydf = comtradeapicall.getFinalDataAvailability(subscription_key, typeCode='C', freqCode='A', clCode='HS',period='2021', reporterCode=None, publishedDateFrom=lastweek, publishedDateTo=None)
  • List tariffline data availabity from last week for reference period June 2022
mydf = comtradeapicall.getTarifflineDataAvailability(subscription_key, typeCode='C', freqCode='M',
                                                        period='202206', reporterCode=None, publishedDateFrom=lastweek, publishedDateTo=None)
  • List bulk data availability for SITC Rev.1 for reference year 2021 released since last week
mydf = comtradeapicall.getFinalDataBulkAvailability(subscription_key, typeCode='C', freqCode='A',
                                                    period='2021', reporterCode=None, publishedDateFrom=lastweek, publishedDateTo=None)
  • List bulk tariffline data availability from last week for reference period June 2022
mydf = comtradeapicall.getTarifflineDataBulkAvailability(subscription_key, typeCode='C', freqCode='M',
                                                            period='202206', reporterCode=None, publishedDateFrom=lastweek, publishedDateTo=None)
  • Obtain all metadata and publication notes for May 2022
mydf = comtradeapicall.getMetadata(subscription_key, typeCode='C', freqCode='M', clCode='HS', period='202205',
                                                 reporterCode=None, showHistory=True)
  • Submit asynchronous final data request
myJson = comtradeapicall.submitAsyncFinalDataRequest(subscription_key, typeCode='C', freqCode='M', clCode='HS',
                                    reporterCode='36', cmdCode='91,90', flowCode='M', partnerCode=None,
                                    customsCode=None, motCode=None, aggregateBy=None, breakdownMode='classic')
print("requestID: ",myJson['requestId'])
  • Submit asynchronous tariff line data request
myJson = comtradeapicall.submitAsyncTarifflineDataRequest(subscription_key, typeCode='C', freqCode='M',
                                         reporterCode=None, cmdCode='91,90', flowCode='M', partnerCode=None,
                                         customsCode=None, motCode=None)
print("requestID: ",myJson['requestId'])
  • Check status of asynchronous job
mydf = comtradeapicall.checkAsyncDataRequest(subscription_key, 
                                          batchId ='2f92dd59-9763-474c-b27c-4af9ce16d454' )
  • Submit final data asynchronous job and download the resulting file
comtradeapicall.downloadAsyncFinalDataRequest(subscription_key, directory,  typeCode='C', freqCode='M',
                                        clCode='HS', period='202209', reporterCode=None, cmdCode='91,90',
                                        flowCode='M', partnerCode=None, partner2Code=None,
                                        customsCode=None, motCode=None)
  • Submit tariffline data asynchronous job and download the resulting file
comtradeapicall.downloadAsyncTarifflineDataRequest(subscription_key, directory,  typeCode='C', freqCode='M',
                                        clCode='HS', period='202209', reporterCode=None, cmdCode='91,90',
                                        flowCode='M', partnerCode=None, partner2Code=None,
                                        customsCode=None, motCode=None)
  • View list of reference tables
mydf = comtradeapicall.listReference()
mydf = comtradeapicall.listReference('cmd:B5')
  • Download specific reference
mydf = comtradeapicall.getReference('reporter')
mydf = comtradeapicall.getReference('partner')
  • Convert country/area ISO3 to Comtrade code
country_code = comtradeapicall.convertCountryIso3ToCode('USA,FRA,CHE,ITA')
  • Get the Standard unit value (qtyUnitCode 8 [kg]) for commodity 010391 in 2022
mydf = comtradeapicall.getSUV(subscription_key, period='2022', cmdCode='010391', flowCode=None, qtyUnitCode=8)
  • Get number of port calls and trade volume estimates derrived from AIS data for Australia between 1 and 8 February 2023 with vessel types bulk and container.
mydf = comtradeapicall.getAIS(subscription_key, countryareaCode=36, vesselTypeCode='1,2', dateFrom='2023-02-01', dateTo='2023-02-08')
  • Tests folder contain more examples including calculation of unit value

Downloaded file name convention

The naming convention follows the following : "COMTRADE-<DATA>-<TYPE><FREQ><COUNTRY CODE><YEAR[ -MONTH]><CLASSIFICATION CODE>[<RELEASE DATE>]"

As examples:

  • Final merchandise trade data from Morocco (code 504) in March 2000 released on 3 Jan 2023 coded using H1 classification:
    • COMTRADE-FINAL-CM504200003H1[2023-01-03]
  • Tariffline merchandise trade from Morocco (code 504) in March 2000 released on 3 Jan 2023 coded using H1 classification:
    • COMTRADE-TARIFFLINE-CM504200003H1[2023-01-03]

Note: Async download retains the original batch id