DLF Forum 2015
9:00am–10:00am: Introductions and LODLAM overview
Ben Hyman (BC Libraries Cooperative)
15 minute Break
10:15am–12:00pm: Cleaning and publishing metadata: hands on tutorial with OpenRefine
Christina Harlow (University of Tennessee)
12:00pm–1:30pm: Lunch/Networking
1:30pm–2:00pm: Dork shorts
Opportunity for workshop participants to give 2-3 minute lightning talks/demonstrations about their or their institution's LODLAM applications/efforts
15 minute Break
2:15pm–3:30pm: Querying and linking data with SPARQL
3:30–4:30pm: LODLAM clinic
##Let us know what you think!
Take our simple [6 question survey] (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1f31RjTo-mvqp_-l-3A7pqpO7KhZgQcTMQ9RQDlBp220/viewform?usp=send_form) to give us your feedback on today's workshop. Your responses will help us improve these workshops and get further support to conduct them at other conferences.