Bug-Bounty Writeup Section 👨‍💻 : For All, by All (regular updates)


This is a place of all the Offensive Cybersecurity people. Feel free to contribute in all sections

Bug-Bounty Tools (General + Updated) :-

- XSSTRON :-Electron JS Browser To Find XSS Vulnerabilities Automatically

-Extension should add a number of UI and functional features to Burp Suite to make working with it easier

-Taser : Python3 resource library for creating security related tooling

-fire is a simple tool meant to work in a pipeline of other scripts. It takes domains on stdin and outputs them on stdout if they resolve.

-MetaMask Clickjacking Vulnerability Analysis

-Burp Automator - A Burp Suite Automation Tool. It provides a high level CLI and Python interfaces to Burp Suite scanner and can be used to setup Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)

-OSINT Research With Recon-ng

-Posta. Cross-document Messaging security research tool


-Holy FFUF! — A Beginner Guide to Fuzz with FFUF

-GraphQLmap is a scripting engine to interact with a graphql endpoint for pentesting purposes

-How to Hack APIs in 2021

-Burp Macros: What, Why & How?

Introducing DOM Invader: DOM XSS just got a whole lot easier to find

-Jira-Lens Fast and customizable vulnerability scanner For JIRA written in Python

-Setup Your Private Burp Collaborator for SSRF/XXE

-Experience Burp Suite Enterprise Edition in a new live demo

-Urls de-duplication tool for better recon.

-ZKar is a Java serialization protocol analysis tool implement in Go

-Smap : a drop-in replacement for Nmap powered by shodan.io

-DumpXSS. Scanner Tool For XSS Vulnerability

-A Brief Introduction to Prototype Pollution

-Caido - Lightweight Web Security Auditing Toolkit

-AssetFinder: A Handy Subdomain and Domain Discovery Tool

-Designing sockfuzzer, a network syscall fuzzer for XNU

-Proto Find. Let's check if your target is vulnerable for client side prototype pollution

-Prototype Pollution Scanner made in Golang

-New differential fuzzing tool reveals novel HTTP request smuggling techniques

-CRLFuzz – Hacker Tools: Injecting CRLF for bounties

-OWASP Top 10: Static Analysis of Android Application & Tools Used

-S3Scanner - Scan for open S3 buckets and dump the contents

-Online - Reverse Shell Generator

-A Detailed Guide on Cewl

-hakoriginfinder : Tool for discovering the origin host behind a reverse proxy. Useful for bypassing WAFs and other reverse proxies

-PurplePanda : Identify privilege escalation paths within and across different clouds

-A Burp Suite extension made to automate the process of finding reverse proxy path based SSRF

-STEWS is a tool suite for security testing of WebSockets

-Webrecon : Automated Web Recon Shell Scripts

-A ffuf Primer

-Gotator is a tool to generate DNS wordlists through permutations.

-ChopChop is a CLI to help developers scanning endpoints and identifying exposition of sensitive services/files/folders

-Latest web hacking tools – Q3 2021

-Introducing Baserunner: a tool for exploring and exploiting Firebase datastores

-vAPI is Vulnerable Adversely Programmed Interface which is Self-Hostable API that mimics OWASP API Top 10 scenarios in the means of Exercises.

-Turbo Intruder – Hacker Tools: Going faster than ever!

-nrich - A command-line tool to quickly analyze all IPs in a file and see which ones have open ports/ vulnerabilities. Can also be fed data from stdin to be used in a data pipeline.

-What the fuzz?! — The truth behind content discovery

-Meg – Hacker Tools: Endpoint scan the masses!

-PureDNS : Subdomain bruteforcing tool that improves massdns to accurately handle wildcard subdomains and DNS poisoning.

-S3Sec - Check AWS S3 instances for read/write/delete access

-Uniscan: An RFI, LFI, and RCE Vulnerability Scanner

-Jira Scan is a simple remote scanner for Atlassian Jira

-Webpack Exploder : Unpack the source code of React and other Webpacked Javascript apps! Check out Expanding the Attack Surface

-Raider - Web authentication testing framework

-Reconator - Automated Recon for Pentesting & Bug Bounty

-Log4j2 RCE Passive Scanner plugin for BurpSuite

-A tool to find redirection chains in multiple URLs

-EMBA - The firmware security analyzer

-GradeJS analyzes production Webpack bundles without having access to the source code of a website.

-FinDOM-XSS is a tool that allows you to finding for possible and/ potential DOM based XSS vulnerability in a fast manner.

-Waymore - Find way more from the Wayback Machine!

-Saltzer and Schroeder's 10 secure design principles as applied to solidity smart contracts.

-Teen hacker scoops $4,500 bug bounty for Facebook flaw that allowed attackers to unmask page admins

-Security researcher earns plaudits after discovering Yandex SSRF flaw

-How I was able to reveal page admin of almost any page on Facebook

-A fully automated, accurate, and extensive scanner for finding log4j RCE CVE-2021-44228

-Cero : Scrape domain names from SSL certificates of arbitrary hosts

-Smap : passive Nmap like scanner built with shodan.io

-Shopify Plugin Bypass using P3 Client-side injection thru API Implementation Vulnerability

-A Simple and Comprehensive Vulnerability Scanner for Containers, Suitable for CI

-Run all your bug bounty VPN profiles in parallel and expose them via multiple local SOCKS proxies.

-Lepus is a tool for enumerating subdomains, checking for subdomain takeovers and perform port scans - and boy, is it fast!

-A tale of zero click account takeoverhttps://medium.com/pentesternepal/a-tale-of-zero-click-account-takeover-56b51fdbd7ae

-Frogy : Using the combination of different subdomain enumeration tools and logic this script tries to identify more subdomains and TLDs in recon.

-How to find new/more domains of a company? - Recon Stuff

-xnLinkFinder : A python tool used to discover endpoints for a given target

-Decrypting Mobile App Traffic using AES Killer and Frida

-How good is Burp's API Scanning?

-CSRF Testing Guide For Bug Bounty Hunters

-BrokenLinkHijacker(BLH) is a Fast Broken Link Hijacker Tool written in Python

-A collection of hacker tools using HackerOne's API

-Vulnerabilities in exported activity WebView

-Bug Bounty Recon: Horizontal Correlation

-How I Found multiple SQL Injection with FFUF and Sqlmap in a few minutes

-A deep dive into an NSO zero-click iMessage exploit: Remote Code Execution

-How I earned 240$ from a Zero Interface

-netlas.io - a new search engine for discover, research and monitor any asset. It is so useful for your #bugbounty recon automation.

-Reverse engineering Flutter for Android + Doldrums (Doldrums is a reverse engineering tool for Flutter apps)Tool Link = Doldrum Tool

-Gee is tool of stdin to each files and stdout. It is similar to the tee command, but there are more functions for convenience. In addition, it was written as go

-bbr is an open source tool to aid in command line driven generation of bug bounty reports based on user provided templates.

-Introducing PacketStreamer: distributed packet capture for cloud-native platforms

-Go Dork. The fastest dork scanner written in Go

-uro - declutters url lists for crawling/pentesting

-ClusterFuzzLite - Simple continuous fuzzing that runs in CI

-Escalating XSS to Sainthood with Nagios

-Passive DNS Capture/Monitoring Framework

-Command Injection — All in one Blog

-fail2ban – Remote Code Execution

How Gopher works in escalating SSRFs

-Prototype Pollution Fuzzer

-Astra finds urls, endpoints, aws buckets, api keys, tokens, etc from a given url/s

-Cloudlist is a tool for listing Assets from multiple Cloud Providers

-r2flutch - tool to decrypt iOS apps using r2frida

General Writeups

-Miracle - One Vulnerability To Rule Them All

-400$ Bounty again using Google Dorks

-Top 10 web hacking techniques of 2020 | PortSwigger Research

-Top 10 Tips for Burp Suite

-CVE-2021-41773: Path Traversal Zero-Day in Apache HTTP Server Exploited

-Discoverability by phone number/email restriction bypass

-Internal Gitlab Ticket Disclosure via External Slack Channels

-10 Types of Web Vulnerabilities that are Often Missed

-Ultimate Reconnaissance RoadMap for Bug Bounty Hunters & Pentesters

-Basic WebAssembly buffer overflow exploitation

-An attacker can archive and unarchive any structured scope object on HackerOne

-Modify in-flight data to payment provider Smart2Pay

-Bugs in our Pockets: The Risks of Client-Side Scanning

-Hunting Sourcemaps On Steroids

-Make recruiting referrals on behalf of employees ($3000)

-How to win at CORS

-Misconfigured Reset password that leads to Account Takeover (No user Interaction ATO)</>

-View orders and financial reports lists for any page shop ($500)

-Hunting for Prototype Pollution and it’s vulnerable code on JS libraries

-If It’s a Feature!!! Let’s Abuse It for $750

-Story of my first cash bounty on hackerone

-How I made it into the United Nations hall of fame as I slept

-Embedding Payloads and Bypassing Controls in Microsoft InfoPath

-Critical Vulnerability in Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB

-How I hacked one of the biggest Airline in the world

-Bug Bounty Short Tips as image

-How I found a bug in Apple within just in 5min

-Chaining vulnerabilities to criticality in Progress WhatsUp Gold

-A Quick Guide to Hack private variables in Solidity

-How I found my first Chrome bug

-The second part of discovered vulnerabilities in pre-installed apps on Samsung devices

-$300 Google API key leaked to Public on Live Website

-Full account takeover vulnerability in Minecraft

-5 Ways to Exploit a Domain Takeover Vulnerability

-Expect The Unexpected: Discovering fresh ZeroDay for Bounty

-How I found a critical P1 bug in 5 minutes using a cellphone — Bug Bounty

-Leaked H1's Employees Email addresses,meeting info on private bug bounty program

-Hacking the Apple Webcam (again)

-Bug Bounty FIRE Goals

-Multiple vulnerability leading to account takeover in TikTok SMB subdomain.

-Story of my hacking Dutch Government

-GitLab triages bug bounty-reported flaws with latest release

-Bypassing CSP with dangling iframes

-He is already here: Privileges escalation due to invalidating current users

-Finding client-side prototype pollution with DOM Invader

-Multiple bugs chained to takeover Facebook Accounts which uses Gmail.

-Earn $200K by fuzzing for a weekend: Part 1

-Earn $200K by fuzzing for a weekend: Part 2

-Hacking the Blockchain: An Ultimate Guide

-Bounty Evaluation GitHub = $15,000 US Dollars

-A Konami Code for Vuln Chaining Combos

-Log4shell in google $1337.00

-2 click Remote Code execution in Evernote Android

-Spring cloud function SpEL RCE

-New Spring Framework RCE Vulnerability Confirmed - What to do?

-My First RCE from N/A to Triaged (CVE-2021–3064)

-RCE via WebDav - Power Of PUT

-HTTP Desync Attack (Request Smuggling) - Mass Session Hijacking

-How I Found Multiple Bugs On FaceBook In 1 Month And a Part For My Methodology & Tools

-Flickr Account Takeover

-RCE 0 day for GhostScript-9.50

-Low hanging fruits on Facebook Group Room

-Denial of Service via Hyperlinks in Posts

-CookieMonsteRCE - XSS to RCE Exploitation in Zena 4.2.1

-How I got access to many PIIs through a source code leak

-F5 BIG-IP Critical Vulnerability Exploited By Attackers To Gain Unauthenticated RCE</>

-How “Forgot Password” can cost you your account

-Subdomain Enumeration Guide 2021

-Full account takeover through referral code

-Information Gathering&scanning for sensitive information

-The easiest $2500 I got it from bug bounty program

-Disclose leads form details of any Facebook Business Account or Facebook Page

-Remote code execution in cdnjs of Cloudflare

-RCE via unsafe inline Kramdown options when rendering certain Wiki pages

-MyBB Remote Code Execution Chain

-Critical Gems Takeover Bug Reported in RubyGems Package Manager

-Hunting evasive vulnerabilities

-Ability To Delete User(s) Account Without User Interaction

-URLs in img tag aren’t safely embedded. ($500)

-Exploiting GraphQL

-Low privilege user can read POS PINs via graphql and elevate his privilege

-That single GraphQL issue that you keep missing

-CVE-2021-4191: GitLab GraphQL API User Enumeration (FIXED)

-GraphQL automated security testing toolkit

OWASP Top 10 Web-Application Issues (Updated)

Broken Access Control

-Hx01 Abusing Data Protection Laws For D0xing & Account Takeovers

-Access employees files in internal CDNs/ Access users modified/deleted content.($12500)

-Forced Browsing to Access Admin Panel

-I found IDOR Vulnerability at Microsoft Subdomain

-Fuzzing + IDOR = Admin TakeOver

-How I was able to take over accounts in websites deal with Github as an SSO provider

-A 7500$ Google sites IDOR

-IDOR leads to leak Private Details

-How I found my first bug (IDOR)

-IDOR to information disclosure + Admin Account Takeover

-Path Traversal Paradise

-Bypassing WAF for $2222

-$600 for IDOR (File or Folder Download)

-A Story of IDOR which leads to privacy violation…$$$

-How I found my first IDOR in HackerOne

-$5000 Google IDOR Vulnerability Writeup

-Attacking Access Control Models In Modern Web Applications

-How I Get $1350 From IDOR Just Less 1 hours

-How I earned $9000 with Privilege escalations

-How I Get $1350 From IDOR Just Less 1 hours

-IDOR in "external status check" API leaks data about any status check on the instance

-4300$ Instagram IDOR Bug (2022)

-How I was able to delete any users’ OAUTH connections via IDOR

-How I was able to takeover any users account on a major telecoms website

-IDOR via GET Request which can SOLD all User Products

-CORS Misconfigurations

-Shopify Account Takeover $22,500 Bug Bounty

-Weird Google bugs, SAML padding Oracle & Apache path traversal continued

-Practical HTTP Header Smuggling: Sneaking Past Reverse Proxies to Attack AWS and Beyond

-$5,000 YouTube IDOR - Bug Bounty Reports Explained

Cryptographic Issues / Bugs (Updating soon...)

Injection Issues / Bugs

-Host Header Injection Lead To Account Takeover

-Regular Expression Injection

-Tale of XSS in Angular

Finding DOM Polyglot XSS in PayPal the Easy Way

-XSS with Markdown — Exploit & Fix on OpenSource

-postMessage XSS in Tesla Payment page

-XSS Through The Front-Door @ GitLab

-HTML parser bug triggers Chromium XSS security flaw

-How I was able to find 50+ Cross-site scripting (XSS) Security Vulnerabilities on Bugcrowd Public Program

-Email platform Zimbra issues hotfix for XSS vulnerability under active exploitation

-Clipboard DOM-based XSS

-Exploiting DOM Based XSS via Misconfigured postMessage() Function

-Stored XSS To Other Users Via Messages

-Cache Poisoning via SelfXSS + Path Parameter

-Subdomain Takeover in Azure: making a PoC

-XSS via X-Forwarded-Host header

-Time-Based SQL Injection to Dumping the Database

-Reflected Cross Site Scripting (XSS) on one.newrelic.com

-New XSS vectors

-Blind XSS in app.pullrequest.com/████████ via /reviews/ratings/{uuid}

-Hacking Swagger-UI - from XSS to account takeovers

-Stored XSS in markdown via the DesignReferenceFilter

-Stored-XSS in merge requests

-XSS through base64 encoded JSON

-Stumbling across a DOM XSS on google.com

-XSS Bug in SEOPress WordPress Plugin Allows Site Takeover

-Stored XSS to RCE Chain as SYSTEM in ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus

-XSS via Mod Log Removed Post

-Stored XSS in Notes (with CSP bypass for gitlab.com)

-Stored XSS in Google Doubleclick Studio

-Moodle: Blind SQL Injection (CVE-2021-36393) and Broken Access Control (CVE-2021-36397)

-SQL Injection at Spotify

-Finding an unseen SQL Injection by bypassing escape functions in mysqljs/mysql

-WordPress 5.8.2 Stored XSS Vulnerability

-CVE-2022-24948: Apache JSPWiki preauth Stored XSS to ATO

-Stored XSS: Non-Privileged User to Anyone Using QR Code

-Javascript Hoisting in XSS Scenarios

-Palisade identifies Wormable Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability affecting Rarible’s NFT Marketplace

-Tableau Server Leaks Sensitive Information From Reflected XSS

-CVE-2021-26084,Atlassian Confluence OGNL

-Exploiting Redash instances with CVE-2021-41192

-Web Cache Poisoning leads to Stored XSS

-XSS on tiktok.com

-Stored-XSS on wiki pages

-Stored XSS via Mermaid Prototype Pollution vulnerability

-Stored XSS in Wordpress.com

-Stored XSS at Trello

-A Story of DOM XSS

-SVG based Stored XSS

-PostMessage Xss vulnerability on private program

-Easy SQLi in Amazon subsidiary using Sqlmap

-Fun sql injection — mod_security bypass/a>

SQL Injection Bugs on All Verizon Media Assets

Insecure Design

-File Upload to RCE

-Hunting for Bugs in File Upload Feature

-How i made 15k$ from Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

-HTTP request smuggling bug patched in mitmproxy

-Able to steal bearer token from deep link

-Unsafe content loading [Electron JS]

-SAML is insecure by design

-Trigger custom URL in Medium Android app

-Add new managed stores without permission

-Hacking Microservices For Fun and Bounty

-Cache Poisoning & Lateral Movement @ GitLab

-Attacking File Uploads in Modern Web Applications

-Full Account Takeover via Open Redirection

-Bypassing File Upload Restriction using Magic Bytes

-Hacking a Bank by Finding a 0day in DotCMS

-Laravel 8.x image upload bypass

-How I Made $16,500 Hacking CDN Caching Servers — Part 1

-How I Made $16,500 Hacking CDN Caching Servers — Part 2

-How I Made $16,500 Hacking CDN Caching Servers — Part 3

-Bypassing default visibility for newly-added email in Facebook(Part I - Submitting I.D)

-Bypassing default visibility for newly-added email in Facebook(Part II - Trusted Contacts)

-Slack integration setup lacks CSRF protection

-My first report on HackerOne: A logic flaw in npm

-Multiple bugs leads to RCE on TikTok for Android

-Leaking Facebook user information to external websites ($2000)

Security Misconfiguration

-All about Password Reset vulnerabilities

-How I hacked thousand of subdomains

-S3 Account Search

-How I Scored 1K Bounty Using Waybackurls

-All About CSRF Flaw

-CSRF protection bypass in GitHub Enterprise management console

-Common Nginx Misconfiguration leads to Path Traversal

-How I got Apple Hall Of Fame !

-How to exploit insecure WebResourceResponse configurations + an example vulnerability in Amazon apps

-Preventing compromised password reuse on HackerOne.com

-CVE-2022-21703: cross-origin request forgery against Grafana

-2 CSRF 1 IDOR on Google Marketing Platform

-Lack of URL normalization renders Blocked-Previews feature ineffectual

-AWS Targeted by a Package Backfill Attack

-CSRF on /api/graphql allows executing mutations through GET requests

-XXE in Public Transport Ticketing Mobile APP

-I have Found Microsoft Subdomain Website database list, database username, password

-Hijacking accounts with host manipulation using collaborator

-Demographic Misconfiguration on Facebook live

-Critical Valve Bug Lets Gamers Add Unlimited Funds to Steam Wallets

-How we spoofed ENS domains for $15k

-Basecamp disclosed on HackerOne: Insecure Bundler configuration

-Exploiting S3 bucket with path folder to Access PII info of A BANK

-Open Redirect to Account Takeover

-Enumerate internal cached URLs which lead to data exposure

-Open redirect in Instagram.com ($500)

-Open Redirect Vulnerability & Some Common Payloads

-Broken Link hijacking — What it is and how to get bounties with it!

-Exploiting weak configurations in Google Cloud Identity Platform

-WordPress XXE Vulnerability in Media Library – CVE-2021-29447

-Insecure Deserialization in JavaScript: GoogleCTF 2022 Web/HORKOS Writeup

-A Brief Introduction to Prototype Pollution

-CORS misconfig that worths USD200

-Blog posts atom feed of a store with password protection can be accessed by anyone

-Enzyme Finance Price Oracle Manipulation Bug Fix Postmortem

-A Long Story of XXE Vulnerability!!

-Pwn2Own Local Escalation of Privilege Category

-Overwolf 1-Click Remote Code Execution - CVE-2021-33501

-Bypassing Box’s Time-based One-Time Password MFA

-‘Add yourself as super admin’ – Researcher details easy-to-exploit bug that exposed GSuite accounts to full takeover

-Remote Deserialization Bug in Microsoft's RDP Client through Smart Card Extension (CVE-2021-38666) Bounty award: $5,000.

-Exploiting URL Parsing Confusion Vulnerabilities

-How i made 15k$ from Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

-Link hijacking Binance’s shortlinks through AppsFlyer

-Flickr Account Takeover

-Subdomain Takeover Via Flywheel

-Github access token exposure

How I was able to Takeover Accounts on Foxit.com

-The Complete Guide to Prototype Pollution Vulnerabilities

-Misconfigured Reset password that leads to Account Takeover

-From A User To Admin Access

-2FA Bypass via Forced Browsing

-Duo Two-factor Authentication Bypass

-Account Takeovers — Believe the Unbelievable

-Account Takeover + A Bonus Vulnerability

-Cross-Site WebSocket Hijacking (CSWSH)

Vulnerable and Outdated Components

-Zabbix - A Case Study of Unsafe Session Storage

-Logic Flaw Leading to RCE in Dynamicweb 9.5.0 - 9.12.7

-Writeup for an iOS 15 exploit that can achieve kernel

-WSO2 RCE (CVE-2022-29464) exploit and writeup

Identification and Authentication Issues / Bugs

-Improper Authentication - any user can login as other user with otp/logout & otp/login

-A Summary of OAuth 2.0 Attack Methods

-Bypassed the subscription and got the certification

-Broken Authentication Login With Google

-Security researcher finds dangerous bug in Chromium, nabs $15,000 bounty

-OAUTH2 bearer not-checked for connection re-use

-2fa Bypass Using Response Manipulation

-OTP brute-force via rate limit bypass

-10 Password Reset Flaws

-Account Takeover via SMS Authentication Flow

-Bypassing Login Page in 2 Mins

-Pre-Auth RCE in Moodle Part I - PHP Object Injection in Shibboleth Module

-Pre-Auth RCE in Moodle Part II - Session Hijack in Moodle's Shibboleth

-Web Cache Poisoning: A Tale of chaining unkeyed inputs


-Researchers Bypass SMS-based Multi-Factor Authentication Protecting Box Accounts

-Trick to bypass rate limit of password reset functionality

-Exploiting OAuth: Journey to Account Takeover

-A tale of 0-Click Account Takeover and 2FA Bypass

-Cache Poisoning at Scale

-Exploiting OAuth: Journey to Account Takeover

-Account Takeover using OAuth Misconfiguration | Badoo Bug Bounty $300

Software and Data Integrity Failure

-Pwning a Server using Markdown

-How I found a bug in Apple within just in 5min

-Hacking Google Drive Integrations

-Dependency Confusion

-Race Condition — Resulted in using the feature which was supposed to be obtained after subscription.

-1-click RCE in Electron Applications

Security Logging and Monitoring (Updating soon...)

Server-Side Request Forgery

-Story of a Google Cloud SSRF

-SSRF: Bypassing hostname restrictions with fuzzing

-Just Gopher It: Escalating a Blind SSRF to RCE for $15k

-Simple SSRF Allows Access To Internal Assets

-FogBugz import attachment full SSRF requiring vulnerability

-Updated the Blind SSRF Glossary for a list of payloads that call back to an SSRF canary for the Confluence OGNL injection RCE

-SSRF in ColdFusion/CFML Tags and Functions

-Stealing administrative JWT's through post auth SSRF (CVE-2021-22056)

-SSRF in PDF Renderer using SVG

-Turning bad SSRF to good SSRF: Websphere Portal

-SSRF for kube-apiserver cloudprovider scene

-Full read SSRF that can leak aws metadata and local file inclusion (www.evernote.com )

-SSRF in PDF export with PhantomJs

-Java RMI services often vulnerable to SSRF attacks – research

-SSRF Attack Examples and Mitigations

-Easy SSRF from Wayback Machine

-SSRF & LFI In Uploads Feature

-Critical SSRF on Evernote

-Cross Site Port Attack in Wild

-Encrypting our way to SSRF in VMWare Workspace One UEM (CVE-2021-22054)

-Another vision for SSRF

Chained Issues / Chained Bugs :

-A Tale of Open Redirection to Stored XSS

-The story of 3 bugs that lead to Unauthorized RCE — Pascom Systems

-Internet Bug Bounty: High severity vulnerability in Apache HTTP Server could lead to RCE

-The Story of a RCE on a Java Web Application

-Bypassing required reviews using GitHub Actions

-Achieving Remote Code Execution via Unrestricted File Upload

-Admin account takeover via weird Password Reset Functionality

-Node.js was vulnerable to a novel HTTP request smuggling technique

-From XSS to RCE (dompdf 0day)

-Bypassing Firefox's HTML Sanitizer API

-Access private information about SparkAR effect owners who has a publicly viewable portfolio ($1500)

-Tagged User Could Delete Facebook Story

-Arbitrary file read via the bulk imports UploadsPipeline

-How I Was Able To TakeOver Any Account On One Of Europe's Largest Media Companies

-RCE on Starbucks Singapore and more for $5600

-Bug Bounty Recon: Vertical Correlation (and the secret to succeeding)

-Critical Vulnerabilities in PHP Everywhere Allow Remote Code Execution

-Sesh Gremlin attack, RCE via password field & Pwning XMLSec for info disclosure and bounties

-RCE on CS:GO client using unsanitized entity ID in EntityMsg message

-Remote Code Execution V1 For iOS 15 sent through airdrop after the device was connected to a trusted host

-Full Account takeover (ATO) — a tale of two bugs

-A Scientific Notation Bug in MySQL left AWS WAF Clients Vulnerable to SQL Injection

-Chaining an Blind SSRF bug to Get an RCE

-How I Escalated a Time-Based SQL Injection to RCE

-Exploiting Password Reset Poisoning for account takeover and max bounty!

-CVE-2021-26084 Remote Code Execution on Confluence Servers

-Chaining Open Redirect with XSS to Account Takeover

-FORD Session token URL lead to Reflected XSS

-Escalating SSRF to Accessing all user PII information by aws metadata

-An Out Of Scope domain Leads To a Critical Bug[$1500]

Android Application Testing (Methods + Tools)

-Getting started with Android Application Security

-Android Penetration Testing: Frida

-ByPass SSL Pinning with IP Forwarding | iptables

-How to Write Frida Hook For Android

-Facebook android webview vulnerability : Execute arbitrary javascript (xss) and load arbitrary website

-Android Component Security

-Reconator - Automated Recon for Pentesting & Bug Bounty

-Facebook Messenger for Android indirect thread deletion vulnerability

-Keybase App Vulnerability: Incomplete Cleanup of Messages In Keybase for Android/iOS - CVE-2021-34421

-Exploiting Request forgery on Mobile Applications

-Step-by-step guide to reverse an APK protected with DexGuard using Jadx

-Android security guides, roadmap, docs, courses, write-ups, and teryaagh

-TikTok for Android 1-Click RCE

-10 Vulnerable Android Applications for beginners to learn Android hacking

-Android security checklist: WebView

-Mobile MitM: Intercepting your Android App Traffic On the Go

-Android security checklist: theft of arbitrary files

-Basics on commands/tools/info on how to assess the security of mobile applications

IOS Application Testing (Methods + Tools)

-iOS Hacking - A Beginner's Guide to Hacking iOS Apps [2022 Edition]

-iOS jailbreak dev wins $2M bounty for finding critical Optimism bug

-Hacking the Apple Webcam (again)

-How to Reverse Engineer and Patch an iOS Application for Beginners:

Guide To Penetration Testing tools (Beginner + Intermediate + Advanced tools and techniques)

-Top 10 Tips for Burp Suite

-Burp Suite Extensions: Rarely Utilized but Quite Useful

-Burp Suite - solving E-mail and SMS TAN multi-factor authentication with Hackvertor custom tags

-Finding CSRF Vulnerabilities with BurpSuite

-HTTP Signatures: A Burp Suite Extension Implementing HTTP Signatures

-Burp Suite roadmap for 2021

-Browser powered scanning in Burp Suite

-Learn how to write a Burp Suite extension in Kotlin – Setting up

-Using Intruder to Brute Force Authorization Header

-CaA - BurpSuite Collector and Analyzer

-x8 Hidden parameters discovery suite

-Params — Discovering Hidden Treasure in WebApps

-A Python library to utilize AWS API Gateway's large IP pool as a proxy to generate pseudo-infinite IPs for web scraping and brute forcing.

-Make JSON greppable! gron transforms JSON into discrete assignments to make it easier to grep for what you want and see the absolute 'path' to it.

-Life’s a Peach (Fuzzer) How to Build and Use GitLab’s Open-Source Protocol Fuzzer

Jenkins Vulnerabilities

-Notes about attacking Jenkins servers

API Security Testing

-A Case Study of API Vulnerabilities

-What is BOLA? 3-digit bounty from Topcoder ($$$)

-Trigger custom URL in Medium Android app

-How to Exploit Public Firebase Realtime Database using REST API

BlockChain Security

-ChainWalker is a smart contract scraper which uses RCP/IPC calls to extract the information

-Blocksec CTFs - A curated list of blockchain security Wargames, Challenges, and Capture the Flag (CTF) competitions and solution writeups

Cheat-Sheets for Cybersecurity

-BigQuery SQL Injection Cheat Sheet

Extra Practicing Labs (Critical Vulnerabilities) :

-Spring RCE vulnerability reproduction environment

-PoC - Spring Core RCE 0-day Vulnerability