
A very simple front-facing application for the hms rest api service

Primary LanguageVue

HMS Frontend Application

An simple hospital management application frontend application. This application contains the ui connected to the rest api services which can be found here hms-api-service

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/LORD-KAY/hms-frontend.git

Navigate to the root directory i.e the hms-frontend

cd hms-frontend/

Running it locally

    yarn install  or npm install
   yarn run serve or npm run serve


Spin up the app frontend container

Build the image

docker build -t hms-frontend .

Start the frontend from the Dockerfile

docker run -it -d -p 8081:8080 --name hms-frontend hms-frontend

Access the app from your browser on http://localhost:8081

Testing Credentials


username: testing@gmail.com
password: password

Then you can create an account for a patient