
whole pipeline (train, deploy, run) to use a safety gear detection with google coral

Primary LanguagePython

Helmet Dataset + Helmet Object Detection

Dataset from: https://github.com/wujixiu/helmet-detection

Getting Started alias Training a Network

git clone
cd helmet-dataset

Download the dataset and move it into the helmet-dataset folder. You will need to rename the dataset folder to data.

docker build - < Dockerfile --tag helmet-dataset-train

nvidia-docker run -v /helmet-dataset:/helmet-dataset -it helmet-dataset-train bash
cd /helmet-dataset

./download_checkpoints.sh --network_type mobilenet_v2_ssd --train_whole_model false


Right now, there is only Mobilenetv2 and Mobilenetv1 both with SSD (mobilenet_v2_ssd and mobilenet_v1_ssd) available. You can train the whole model or just the last layers. In order to change the number of steps, you will need to change value of num_steps inside the pipeline.config file which is in the ckpt folder after downloading the checkpoint.


Get the models folder on a device where the edgetpu-compiler is installed (Follow https://coral.withgoogle.com/docs/edgetpu/compiler/ to install the compiler)

cd models/
edgetpu_compiler output_tflite_graph.tflite 

This will create output_tflite_graph_edgetpu.tflite which can be used with the Google Coral Sticks!

Running the models

Demo codes from: https://coral.withgoogle.com/docs/accelerator/get-started/#set-up-on-linux-or-raspberry-pi

To detect on a single image run:

python detect_image.py --model="./models/output_tflite_graph_edgetpu.tflite \
		       --label="./models/labels.txt" \

To detect on images from a webcam run:

python detect_camera.py --model="./models/output_tflite_graph_edgetpu.tflite \
