
Create and Test on a kubernetes cluster with kind

Primary LanguageShell


Create and Test on a Kubernetes cluster with kind

Quick start

To create a cluster you can either run the following script making sure you have kubectl and go installed on your machine, code of installation is available in the Dockerfile, then you can run the following:

docker compose up --build -d
# Export kubeconfig to host (make sure to update server host to localhost)
# If server host different from localhost you will need to ignore ca and add (insecure-skip-tls-verify: true)
docker cp cluster-generator:/root/.kube/config ./config
# Export env vars (windows)
# Export env vars (linux)
# Check cluster nodes
kubectl get nodes -o wide

# Get cluster name 
docker exec -it cluster-generator bash -c "kind get clusters"

# In case cluster restarted (TODO: Fix check and reconfigure)
docker exec -it cluster-generator bash -c "docker cp k8s-cluster-control-plane:/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf /root/.kube/config && sed -i 's#server:.*#server: https://localhost:6442#g' /root/.kube/config"

Deploy and access

Since apiserver address is you can access the exposed ports from anywhere

# Load image inside cluster
kubectl create deployment nginx --image nginx:alpine
kubectl port-forward --namespace default deploy/nginx 9922:80 --address # Visit localhost:9922

Manage images

# Load image inside cluster (kind load docker-image --name k8s-cluster alpine)
docker exec -it cluster-generator bash -c "docker pull nginx && kind load docker-image --name k8s-cluster nginx" 


# Example helm grafana cluster chart
helm repo add groundcover https://helm.groundcover.com/
helm repo update
helm install caretta --namespace caretta --create-namespace groundcover/caretta
kubectl get all -n caretta
kubectl port-forward --namespace caretta deploy/caretta-grafana 3000:3000 --address


In this example I have installed some kubectl plugins as well as some helm plugins:

# Visit: https://krew.sigs.k8s.io/plugins/
# kubectl get pod PODNAME -o yaml | kubectl neat
# kubectl access-matrix for deployment
# kubectl node-shell k8s-cluster-worker
kubectl krew info cost
kubectl plugin list
kubectl krew install 

More information

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