
This Android app helps amateur radio operators to get around and operate the hillforts in the Lithuanian LHFA programme.

Primary LanguageJava

Lithuanian HillForts Award - LHFA

This Android app helps Lithuanian amateur radio operators to get around and operate the hillforts in the LHFA programme.

Public programme

In 2017, Lithuanian Parliament (Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania) concluded that Lithuanian hillforts, lying nearby ancient settlements, sacred places, cemeteries, tumulus, ancient roads are valuables which strengthen Lithuanian national identity, and that the significance of most hillforts is not fully realized and their protection is insufficient.

Therefore, Seimas proclaimed 2017 as the year of Hill Forts.

In the act, it has been stressed, that the hill-forts are the symbol of Baltic culture and earliest Lithuanian State, evidence of self-dependence of Grand Duchy of Lithuania, as well as source of inspiration of national revival.


LHFA Android app works as a simple guide with points on the map. For every hillfort, there is a pin with a name, national identificator and Maidenhead coordinates. The app uses osmdroid/OSMBonusPack to load the KMZ data.

Amateur radio nomination „Hunter 2017“

Throughout the year 2017, applicants must establish confirmed QSOs with at least 17 different hillforts. All QSOs, using CW, PHONE or DIGI modes are valid. Applications for the LHFA award should be sent until March 1, 2018 to award manager’s address: vdurk.award@gmail.com.

Every different station, operating from a hillfort, gives one point, regardless of band or type of modulation. Every activated hillfort gives 1 point for the activator (at least 30 QSOs). All results will be summarized in the end of the year. Top national operators and foreign operators will be awarded with the special prizes by the program sponsors.

LHFA program is sponsored by the Lithuanian Amateur Radio Society (www.lrmd.lt). LHFA award manager is Petras LY2KM


List of hillforts:

Official github repository:

LHFA web site:

Lithuanian version: