
Primary LanguageTypeScript

GraphQL Nexus & Sofa

Directory description

  • api -> containing the graphQL and REST APIs
  • prisma -> containing the migrations, the environment and the database schema with prisma
  • tests -> containing the JEST tests on the API


Separate file in 3 parts :

  • generated -> containing the graphQL schema and typing.
  • graphql -> containing the graphQL API core
  • rest -> containing the configuration and deployment of the API in REST

The app.ts file is used to call the GraphQL and REST servers.

In order to implement new functionalities, you only need to modify the code in the folder graphql.

On boarding

Installation of the current database:

docker run --detach --publish 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres --name postgres postgres:10.12

To launch the application :

npm ci
npm run migrate
npm run generate


Léo Riberon-Piatyszek