ORBITAL LIBRARY The Orbital library is a Java class library providing object-oriented representations and algorithms for logic, mathematics, and computer science. This Java library provides computer algebra, numerical algorithms, theorem proving, search and planning etc. Generally speaking, the conceptual idea behind the Orbital library is to provide extensional services and components for Java, which surround the heart of many scientific applications. Hence the name Orbital library. Orbital library is designed with the goals of flexibility, conceptual simplicity and general applicability ORBITAL LIBRARY ON THE WEB http://symbolaris.com/orbital/index.html https://github.com/LS-Lab/orbital COPYRIGHT Copyright and license are discussed in COPYRIGHT.txt REQUIREMENTS At run-time the Orbital library needs a standard Java Virtual Machine. Some parts need JVM 1.4+, but most are satisfied with 1.2+. No additional libraries are required at run-time. In order to build all parts of the Orbital library, examples, tests and additional files, you may benefit from some additional software. See description of build.xml for details. INSTALLATION Compiling the Orbital library involves the following steps: ant all ant test If this does not work right out of the box, edit build.properties to configure the paths in your system # specify system-specific paths to JavaCC, JLink and MathKernel below. # Depending on your installation, you may also have to put ant-commons-net.jar and commons-net.jar into your CLASSPATH for ant env.javacchome=/path/to/javacc # for unit testing purposes only junit.framework.jar=/path/to/junit.jar com.wolfram.jlink.kernel=/path/to/MathKernel -mathlink com.wolfram.jlink.jar=/path/to/Mathematica/SystemFiles/Links/JLink/JLink.jar com.wolfram.jlink.libdir=/path/to/Mathematica/SystemFiles/Links/JLink/SystemFiles/Libraries/MacOSX RELEASE HISTORY The Orbital library experiences continuous development since 1996. The major milestones include (without minor releases like 1.1.3) 2009-03-05: First release of Orbital library version 1.3.0 2007-08-20: First release of Orbital library version 1.2.0 2003-02-21: First release of Orbital library version 1.1.0 2000-06-22: First release of Orbital library version 1.0.0 1998-11-08: First public stable release 0.9 of the Orbital library. >>>>>>> 4fa4f65c26af899926313733e80f4d37c861cbb0