
Some scripts to install LSDTopoTools on a University of Edinburgh school of GeoSciences server. For students and staff at the University of Edinburgh.

Primary LanguageShell

Setup scripts for LSDTopoTools

This repository houses scripts for setting up LSDTopoTools and LSDMappingTools on Linux operating systems.

Scripts for the University of Edinburgh

on a University of Edinburgh School of GeoSciences server.

These scripts only work if you are at the University of Edinburgh and have a University of Edinburgh Username. If that does not apply to you, you might be able to adapt these scripts for your organisation, but they are not meant to be general.

These scripts work at the University of Edinburgh

  • LSDTT_UEdin_setup.sh: This sets up the main LSDTopoTools programs. It also grabs some example data.

  • LSDMT_UEdin_setup.sh: This sets up the python environment for LSDMappingTools using conda. (Not currently working!)

To get the scripts without cloning the repository use:

$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LSDtopotools/LSDTT_Edinburgh_scripts/master/LSDTT_UEdin_setup.sh

For more detailed instructions, see our documentation.

Scripts for native Linux

If you run a linux operating system you can use our script:

  • LSDTT_native_linux_setup.sh: This sets up the main LSDTopoTools programs. It also grabs some example data.

$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LSDtopotools/LSDTT_Edinburgh_scripts/master/LSDTT_native_linux_setup.sh

To run this you need * The gnu c++ compiler. This is usually standard on any Linux system * git * gdal (not required for installation but if you want to do anything useful you will need it) * fftw (a fourier transform library required by the code) * cmake

To install this stuff you need to do something like this (modify for your flavour of Linux)


$ sudo apt-get install -y git
$ sudo apt-get install -y gdal-bin
$ sudo apt-get install -y python-gdal
$ sudo apt-get install -y libfftw3-dev
$ sudo apt-get install -y cmake

For more detailed instructions, see our documentation.