
Created by Platform Services GitHub tool on Mon Mar 06 2017

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

ChainExpander example

Table of Content


This project is one of the many learning materials published by Refinitiv to help developers learning Refinitiv APIs. It contains two Java example applications and the ValueAddObjectsForEMA example library that demonstrate the different concepts explained in the Simple Chain objects for EMA article published on the Refinitiv Developer Community portal. These applications are based on the Java edition of the Enterprise Message API that is one of the APIs of the Refinitiv Real-Time SDK. Please consult this Refinitiv Real-Time SDK page for learning materials and documentation about this API.

For any question or comment related to this article please use the ADD YOUR COMMENT section at the bottom of this page or post a question on the EMA Q&A Forum of the Developer Community.

Note: To be able to ask questions and to benefit from the full content available on the Refinitiv Developer Community portal we recommend you to register here.


The example applications presented here and the ValueAddObjectsForEMA example library have been written by Refinitiv for the only purpose of illustrating articles published on the Refinitiv Developer Community. These example applications and the ValueAddObjectsForEMA example library have not been tested for a usage in production environments. Refinitiv cannot be held responsible for any issues that may happen if these example applications, the ValueAddObjectsForEMA library or the related source code is used in production or any other client environment.


Required software components:

  • Enterprise Message API (2.0 or greater) - Refinitiv interface to the Refinitiv Real-Time Market Data environment
  • JDK 8 - Java Development Kit - version 8

Applications design

The source code of these example applications has been designed for easy reuse in other example applications. It is made of three distinct parts:

The ValueAddObjectsForEMA library

This module implements the complete logic and algorithms explained in the [Simple Chain objects for EMA - Part1]((https://developers.refinitiv.com/en/article-catalog/article/simple-chain-objects-ema-part-1) article. These features are implemented by the Chain objects defined by the com.refinitiv.platformservices.rt.objects.chain package. The source code of this package is reused by other Refinitiv example applications. The ValueAddObjectsForEMA example library provides other reusable objects presented by other articles published on the Refinitiv Developer Community.

For more details about the Chain objects usage, please refer to the [Simple Chain objects for EMA - Part2]((https://developers.refinitiv.com/en/article-catalog/article/simple-chain-objects-ema-part-2) article and the ValueAddObjectsForEMA javadoc.

The ChainExpander tool

The ChainExpander is a command line tool you can use to expand a flat chain from the command line. When the expansion is done, chain elements names are simply displayed on the output either in text or JSON format. The application accepts options and arguments that allow you to set the chain name, the service name and the DACS user name. You can also activate the optimization for long chains or even switch the application to a non verbose mode and redirect the output (the chain elements) to a file so that it can be processed by another application or script. This is a good example of a simple but real application that relies on the ValueAddObjectsForEMA library and the FlatChain class.

Building the ChainExpander and the ValueAddObjectsForEMA

Make sure the ValueAddObjectsForEMA submodule is downloaded

Before you start building the project make sure the ValueAddObjectsForEMA submodule is properly downloaded. To this aim list the files of the ./ValueAddObjectsForEMA directory. This directory should contain several script and source files. If it's empty, please run the following Git commands in the root directory of your ChainExpander project:

git submodule init
git submodule update

Change the service name and DACS user name if need be

ValueAddObjectsForEMA contains two hardcoded values that you may want to change depending on RTDS (formerly TREP) or Refinitiv Real-Time platform you use. These values indicate:

  • The service name used to subscribe to chains records: The hardcoded value is "ELEKTRON_DD". This value can be changed.

Alternatively to the build scripts, you can use the NetBeans IDE to build the applications. NetBeans 8.2 project files are provided with the applications source code.

Running the ChainExpander

Before you start the application you must configure the EmaConfig.xml file to specify the host name of the server (the RTDS (formerly TREP) or Refinitiv Real-Time platform) to which the EMA connects. This is set thanks to the value of the <ChannelGroup><ChannelList><Channel><Host> node. This value can be a remote host name or IP address.

To start the ChainExpander run the chain-expander.bat. These scripts depend on the JAVA_HOME and ELEKTRON_JAVA_HOME environment variables that must have been defined for the build scripts.


usage: chain-expander [-nv] [-o] [-s service-name] [-u user-name] chain-name

 -j,--json-output-mode     Outputs chain elements in JSON format.
 -nv,--non-verbose-mode    Enables the non verbose mode. Only the chain
                           elements are displayed.
 -o,--optimization         Enables the optimized algorithm for opening
                           long chains. This is not appropriate for short
                           chains (less than 300 elements).
 -s,--service-name <arg>   Refinitiv Real-Time or RTDS (formerly TREP) service name
                           Default value: ELEKTRON_DD
 -u,--user-name <arg>      DACS user name
                           Default value: System user name
                           Default value: System user name


> chain-expander -s ELEKTRON_DD 0#.DJI

> chain-expander -nv -s ELEKTRON_DD 0#.DJI

> chain-expander -nv -j -s ELEKTRON_DD 0#.FTSE

Expected output

This is an example of the ChainExpander output:

  >>> Input parameters:
        chain-name  : "0#.DJI"
        service-name: "ELEKTRON_DD"
        user-name   : ""
        optimization: disabled
        non-verbose : disabled
  >>> Connecting to the infrastructure...
  >>> Expanding the chain. Please wait...
        0#.DJI[0] = .DJI
        0#.DJI[1] = AAPL.OQ
        0#.DJI[2] = AXP.N
        0#.DJI[3] = BA.N
        0#.DJI[4] = CAT.N
        0#.DJI[5] = CSCO.OQ
        0#.DJI[6] = CVX.N
        0#.DJI[7] = DD.N
        0#.DJI[8] = DIS.N
        0#.DJI[9] = GE.N
        0#.DJI[10] = GS.N
        0#.DJI[11] = HD.N
        0#.DJI[12] = IBM.N
        0#.DJI[13] = INTC.OQ
        0#.DJI[14] = JNJ.N
        0#.DJI[15] = JPM.N
        0#.DJI[16] = KO.N
        0#.DJI[17] = MCD.N
        0#.DJI[18] = MMM.N
        0#.DJI[19] = MRK.N
        0#.DJI[20] = MSFT.OQ
        0#.DJI[21] = NKE.N
        0#.DJI[22] = PFE.N
        0#.DJI[23] = PG.N
        0#.DJI[24] = TRV.N
        0#.DJI[25] = UNH.N
        0#.DJI[26] = UTX.N
        0#.DJI[27] = V.N
        0#.DJI[28] = VZ.N
        0#.DJI[29] = WMT.N
        0#.DJI[30] = XOM.N

Solution Code

The ChainExpander was developed using the Refinitiv Real-Time SDK Java API that is available for download here.

Built With


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


  • Olivier Davant - Release 1.1. ValueAddObjectsForEma Integration


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details