
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

DIA Improvement

This repo provides tools to evaluating the difference imaging analysis(DIA) pipeline and improving the DIA algorithms.

1. Evaluating DIA Performance

There are several aspects of the DIA we need to evaluate.

  • The image quality of the difference image(pixel distribution, variance plane,...).
  • The efficiency vs. local/global host surface brightness/SNR.
  • The efficiency vs. synthetic source magnitude. The 50% cutoff point(m1/2).
  • The flux recovery of the DIA algorithms.
  • The artifact rate.
  • The optimal configs of the algorithms (spatial kernel order, deconvolution, ...).
  • FLAGS which are useful to filtering false positive detections.
  • The effect of PSF shapes of the template image and the science image.
  • Artifact Morphology and causes of artifact.
  • The comparison of the Alard-Lupton(AL) algorithm and the ZOGY algorithm.

In this project, we plan to answer these questions using the synthetic source injection technique.

2. Possible Improvements

  • Applying more flexible kernel bases, regularization, and model selection techniques to the AL algorithm.
  • Searching for numerically stable solution of the ZOGY algorithm.
  • Tracking the covariance of nearby pixels for improving the decorrelation kernel of the ZOGY algorithm.

3. Software Dependencies

We use the v23 LSST stack package to perform image subtraction. To successfully run the fake injection pipeline, we need to install dia_pipe and obs_lsst,.

Install packages:

checkout proper commit:

commit ae545a7513f1cc39f90c5b4e4097cdae37a83d3e (HEAD -> main, tag: w.2022.48, tag: w.2022.47, origin/main, origin/HEAD)

checkout proper commit

commit 8ae16a9f5e5c1e4f174626b7f1e002b9d0c69b8f (HEAD, origin/#19)
  """Create output directory if it doesn't exist in forcedPhotCatalogDiaTask"""

To install the latest Jupyter notebook kernel, run the following code.

source /global/common/software/lsst/common/miniconda/kernels/setup.sh

4. Working Directories

  • Cori CSCRATCH1

5. Setup Working Terminals

We work in the devel directory of the dia_improvement repo. We need three terminals to run our pipeline code. Let us call them as image_difference, desc_stack, and desk_stack_weekly. To initialize these terminals, we need to run the following scripts.

In the image_difference terminal, run source ./setup_v23.sh. (scons only need to be done once)

In the desc_stack terminal, run source setup_desc_stack.sh.

In the desc_stack_weekly terminal, run source setup_desc_stack_weekly.sh.

6. Analysis Pipeline.

To reproduce the analysis results of this repo, we need to run the following steps. Some steps are marked with (optional). These steps are related to analysis results which are not used in our publication.

A. In the desc_stack terminal, run python ./select_hosts.py. This script will select host sources for injection. We can also work in the select_hosts.ipynb notebook with the desc-kernel to achieve the same goal. This notebook also includes code which test the selection result.

B. Defaut performance: In the desc_stack terminal, run python ./inject_fakes_v23.py. This script will inject synthetic sources onto calexp exposures and generate a script for image difference. The name of the difference difference script depends on the configuration we choose. In the image_difference terminal, run the script generated in step B. Some subtractions may fail if we use slurm. The subtraction_exsistance.ipynb notebook can help us know which subtraction fail. We can run the failed subtractions locally. In the desc_stack_weekly terminal, run python get_detection_v23.py. The measurements from the DIA pipeline will be saved into a local database. The fake_src table of the databse stores synthetic source information, and the artifact table stores artifact information. A script for performing forced photometry will be generated.

C. Forced photometry: (optional) In the image_difference terminal, run the photometry script produced above. In the desc_stack_weekly terminal, run python get_forced_v23.py, this will extract the results of forced phtometrty and saved them into another local database. The forced table stores forced photometry information and matched diaSrc information.

D. Faint sources: In the desc_stack terminal, run faint_injection.py to inject synthetic sources with faint magnitude. This will also generates a script to run image subtraction. In the image_difference terminal, run the image subtraction script for faint sources. In the desc_stack_weekly terminal, run faint_detection.py to get detection results.

E. Kernel spatial degree of freedom: spatial_sub_m20_m23.py generates scripts to perform image subtraction with different kernel spatial orders. spatial_det_m20_m23.py extracts information from the data products produced by the scripts generated by spatial_sub_m20_m23.py. spatial_sub_m20_m23.py should be run in the desc_stack kernel. spatial_det_m20_m23.py should be run in the desc_stack_weekly terminal.

F. Configuration: (optional, same teminals as step E.)config_sub_m20_m23.py and config_det_m20_m23.py includes code to perform analysis with different configuration setup.

G. We run the folowing scripts to prepare results for analysis. get_image_info_20_21_m20.py (desc_stack terminal), get_coadd.py (desc_stack terminal), get_background_souraces.py (desc_stack terminal), get_background_sources_sat_flag_applied.py (desc_stack terminal), get_default_config_v23.sh (image_difference terminal).

H. Analysis results are saved in DIA_Pipeline_Analysis notebooks (0-3).


AL algorithm

ZOGY algorithm

Regularization and model selection techniques
