This driver library can be used for many libraries that use a simple RF ASK module, with the advantages of the cc1101 module. It offers many direct setting options as in SmartRF Studio and calculates settings such as MHz directly.
- aharvie
- Bitman-GRi-o
- Bob337
- bondar
- cgmckeever
- danowitzChampaign, IL
- djshift14
- Eideskolumbus
- EinfachArne
- Flem15
- fromtree
- HadeelHidayat
- hostproces
- johnellinwood
- KalElZero
- LordFisk
- LSatanGermany
- meseatsalex
- minkione
- NeutronKenGermantown, MD USA
- NorthernMan54Toronto, Canada
- nshaver
- onepas
- RainerPrivatDT
- rrattinypcbs
- smolbun
- suriyakis
- triphi55
- unforgiven512Unforgiven Development