
Update the 'Last Changed' line in the header of a file.

Primary LanguageVimL

*TagmaLast.txt* Update the 'Last Changed' line in a file.
			     For Vim version 7.x.
		  Last Changed: Fri Feb 03 12:00 PM 2012 EST
		       By Lorance Stinson AT Gmail ...

Contents:					*TagmaLast*
	Description				|TagmaLast-description|
	Installation				|TagmaLast-installation|
	Usage					|TagmaLast-usage|
	Commands				|TagmaLast-commands|
	Key Mappings				|TagmaLast-mappings|
	Settings				|TagmaLast-settings|

DESCRIPTION					*TagmaLast-description*

This plugin updates the 'Last Changed' line in a file. This can be done
automatically if g:TagmaLastAutoUpdate is set. The pattern to search for and
the timestamp format can be set. When making the update |:updatejoin| can be
used to join the change to the previous change. This allows |:undo| to undo
both changes. This is controlled by g:TagmaLastUseUndoJoin.

The 'Last Changed' line is matched by a regexp set in
|g:TagmaLastSearchRegexp|. This allows any desired format to be matched.

INSTALLATION					*TagmaLast-installation*

Copy the files to your ~/.vim or ~/vimfiles directory.
If using a package manager like pathogen place the whole directory in the
bundle directory.
USAGE						*TagmaLast-usage*

The 'Last Changed' line can be updated manually using the |UpdateLast| command
or the key sequence defined by |g:TagmaLastKeyMap| (defauls to "<Leader>UL").

The update can be performed automatically on write if the setting
|g:TagmaLastAutoUpdate| is enabled.

COMMANDS					*TagmaLast-commands*

Commands for updating the 'Last Changed' line and controlling automatic
updates on write.

:UpdateLast					*UpdateLast*
	Update the 'Last Changed' line.

:TagmaLastDisable				*TagmaLastDisable*
	Disable autoupdate of the 'Last Changed' line.

:TagmaLastEnable				*TagmaLastEnable*
	Enable autoupdate of the 'Last Changed' line.

MAPPINGS					*TagmaLast-mappings*

There is one key mapping to manually update the 'Last Changed' line.

Note:	The |Leader| key is normally set to "\".

<Leader>UL					<Plug>OpenMgr
	Update the 'Last Changed' line. >
		map <silent> <Leader>UL <Plug>UpdateLast

SETTINGS					*TagmaLast-settings*

	Automatically update  the 'Last Changed' line on writes.
	Defaults to 0. Set to 1 to enable. >
		let g:TagmaLastAutoUpdate = 1

	The number of lines at the top of the file to check for the 'Last
	Changed' line. Only the first matching line is updated should multiple
	lines match.
	Defaults to 20. >
		let g:TagmaLastCheckLines = 20

	The keymap for manual updates of the 'Last Changed' line.
	If set to an empty string the key map is not created.
	If a key map for "<Plug>OpenMgr" already exists this is ignored and
	treated as if set to an empty string.
	Defaults to "<Leader>UL". Set to "" to disable. >
		let g:TagmaLastCheckLines = '<Leader>UL'

	The time/date format for the 'Last Changed' line.
	See |strftime()| for details.
	On Windows "%Z" for the time zone defaults to the full name, not the
	three letter abbreviation. This is detected and corrected resulting in
	time zones always being the three letter abbreviation.
	Defaults to "%a %b %d %I:00 %p %Y %Z". >
		let g:TagmaLastTimeFormat = '%a %b %d %I:00 %p %Y %Z'

	The regexp used to match the 'Last Changed' line.
	The contents of the regexp are preserved.
	Any text after the regexp is replaced with the new timestamp.
	Defaults to "Last\s\+\%(Changed\|Modified\):\s\+". >
		let g:TagmaLastSearchRegexp = 'Last\s\+\%(Changed\|Modified\):\s\+'

	If enabled |:undojoin| is used to join the change to the 'Last
	Changed' line to the previous change. This means |:undo| will undo
	both changes. The intent is to make the change to the 'Last Changed'
	line more transparent.
	Defaults to 0. Set to 1 to enable. >
		let g:TagmaLastUseUndoJoin = 1

 vim:ts=8 sw=8 sts=8 noet tw=78 ft=help: