
DDNS Client Updater and DFWU (DDNS Firewall Update)

Primary LanguagePython

ddns-utils package:

https://www.opensour.cc/ddns-utils (coming soon)

Louis T. Getterman IV (@LTGIV)

DCU (DDNS Client Updater)

DCU is geared towards nodes needing to update their reciprocal DDNS entry with a WAN auto-detect or manually updated IP address.

DFWU (DDNS Firewall Update)

DFWU is geared towards hosts that need to remain closed to the world, but open to select nodes which have an ephemeral IP address.

DFWU Turnkey install:

bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LTGIV/ddns-utils/master/dfwu/installer/stream.bash||wget -q -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LTGIV/ddns-utils/master/dfwu/installer/stream.bash||echo 'DFWU Install Failure.'>&2)

DFWU Manual install:

git clone https://github.com/LTGIV/ddns-utils.git
sudo bash ddns-utils/dfwu/installer/manifest.bash