
A issues about ckpt

Opened this issue · 3 comments

when I using --model vit_base_patch16 to train and mage-vitb-ft.pth as ckpt,A issues coming:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 355, in
File "", line 250, in main
assert set(msg.missing_keys) == {'head.weight', 'head.bias', 'fc_norm.weight', 'fc_norm.bias'}

what should i do?

mage-vitb-ft.pth is an already fine-tuned checkpoint. The current fine-tuning code only supports fine-tuning a pre-trained checkpoint.

Thanks,I finshed it.

mage-vitb-ft.pth is an already fine-tuned checkpoint. The current fine-tuning code only supports fine-tuning a pre-trained checkpoint.

Dear professor, I now have a very strange problem. When I was running the fine-tuning, an unexpected problem occurred. The accuracy rate remained at 78.6 and would not be changed until 100epoch.But it has never happened before, and it will train 10 epochs before it will reach 78.6. Is my model overfitting?