- 1
About problems in the training process
#57 opened by 18222why - 3
A issues about ckpt
#56 opened by 18222why - 11
- 3
Request for the implementation of "Autoregressive Image Generation without Vector Quantization"
#54 opened by iamlockelightning - 0
Regarding codes reconstructing masked images
#55 opened by Haoyu1Chen - 23
A question about vocab_size in token embbeding
#53 opened by tanbuzheng - 13
- 4
Cannot load the fine-tuned ckpt
#51 opened by hlzhang109 - 4
- 2
- 0
- 6
Question on image Inpainting
#49 opened by GGGGxxxxxxxxr - 3
- 5
Question on Masking ratio
#47 opened by sukun1045 - 1
Query About Figure 3 in the MAGE Article
#48 opened by Yuan1z0825 - 3
Some question about change datasets
#42 opened by zhihao-2022 - 2
Question about applying to my own dataset
#46 opened by mabaisen - 3
- 2
Why did you retrain a new module token_emb, have you ever tried to change the VQGAN codebook from dim=256 to dim=768 via MLP?
#24 opened by BinZhu-ece - 10
The specified path cannot be found
#41 opened by zhanglaoban-kk - 0
Difference between mage and maskgit?
#44 opened by lqniunjunlper - 2
How sensitive is this model to different batch size?
#35 opened by yxchng - 3
reconstructed images
#28 opened by luodi789567890 - 0
- 2
Could you provide a re-implement with one GPU?
#30 opened by Beyondzjl - 1
- 1
Is it normal for inception score to be different?
#36 opened by yxchng - 0
- 1
- 2
About Post-training Evaluation
#34 opened by Neyleer - 1
JAX version code
#10 opened by magicknight - 1
Can't find the file
#11 opened by zhangjinglin23 - 3
question about Class-Conditional Image Generation
#16 opened by LinB203 - 1
- 1
Why encoder-decoder architecture?
#31 opened by bsxxdw - 3
AssertionError happens when loading the model in the workflow of “finetuning-then-linprobing”.
#29 opened by uk9921 - 4
#27 opened by luodi789567890 - 1
Forcing FP32 in Attention
#26 opened by gshaikov - 1
About your VQGAN codebase and model
#22 opened by junwuzhang19 - 1
The data domain is different.
#23 opened by LinB203 - 6
Mismaching values for VQGAN state_dict
#21 opened by ImmortalSdm - 1
About the computation of logits after decoder
#20 opened by liuqk3 - 1
Could you provide a training log?
#18 opened by LinB203 - 1
unconditional class generation
#19 opened by zhangjinglin23 - 6
Reconstruction looks terrible.
#17 opened by ArneNx - 3
- 4
Is the decoder code redundant?
#14 opened by LinB203 - 4
- 10
Some questions about the VQGAN tokenizer
#9 opened by LooperXX - 2
slightly different performance result of un-conditional generation on ImageNet
#8 opened by ChangyaoTian