Community for OMOP users in the UK

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The OMOP CDM is a standardised health data model that is maintained by the OHDSI programme and adopted by an increasing number of healthcare organisations worldwide. The standard consists of data tables and vocabularies that encompass most types of data that occur in medical practice. Mapping to the CDM involves the creation of a data conversion software pipeline or ETL process that can be run to create a new database in the OMOP CDM format.

Mapping health data to a common data model facilitates data analysis, code re-use, aggregation and federation, while ensuring data are anonymised.

The purpose of these pages is to provide a community resource for sharing information, tools, and experiences about the process of mapping data sets to the OMOP Common Data Model.

  • The Communities page links to online communities that are involved in developing the OMOP CDM and supporting its deployment.
  • The Tools page shares information on software tools that can support the mapping of data sets into OMOP
  • The Events page links to future events that may be of interest to the OMOP community
  • The Governance page shares information about data governance relevant to the use of the OMOP CDM.
  • The Data Sets page has information about some example data sets that use the CDM.


To contribute to this site, either:

  1. Go to the site repository on GitHub and submit a pull request. This is a GitHub pages site using Jekyll. Pages are written in the simple markup language Markdown, or,
  2. Raise an issue, or,
  3. Message alex.knight@hdruk.ac.uk with suggestions, or content to add to the site.