this is a simple page for asac department. it has highlight information about asac and its programs (what is making ASAC a bettre choice over any collage?).
it is a simple and basic website using vanilla javascript, HTML and CSS.
the content that inside the pages is a dump content till Wednesday 27th of March 2024.
|-- ASAC
| |-- FAQ.html
| |-- about.html
| |-- applicationCriteria.html
| |-- contactUs.html
| `-- programs.html
|-- all_plans
| |-- BA
| | |-- AI.pdf
| | `-- cloud.pdf
| `-- diploma
| |-- AI.pdf
| |-- cyber.pdf
| `-- software.pdf
|-- assets
| |-- icon
| | |-- AI.svg
| | |-- arrow-up-solid.svg
| | |-- building.svg
| | |-- cloud.svg
| | |-- cyber.svg
| | |-- email.svg
| | |-- facebook-f.svg
| | |-- facebook.svg
| | |-- flag.svg
| | |-- house-solid.svg
| | |-- instagram.svg
| | |-- java.svg
| | |-- light.svg
| | |-- linkedin-in.svg
| | |-- location-dot-solid.svg
| | |-- pdf-icon.html
| | |-- phone.svg
| | |-- python.svg
| | |-- softwareE.svg
| | `-- x-twitter.svg
| |-- images
| | |-- LTUCLogo.png
| | |-- asac-logo.png
| | `-- asac_ltuc_logo.jpg
| `--
|-- data
| |-- news.json
| `-- programs.json
|-- index.html
`-- public
|-- css
| |-- reset_default.css
| `-- style.css
`-- js
`-- app.js
- all_plans: has the plans for bacholer and diploma degrees.(all plans are old version)
- ASAC: has the HTML files for asac.
- assets: include the images and icons that used in the project.
- data: includes the json files for news and programs.(as API).
- public: include the js and css files.
- index.html: have the home and main page.
there are 2 versions of this project. the final and approved version is on main
branch. you just need to clone this repo. (that's it😅)
the second version have a login/lougout approach using Auth0 authentication system. so you should after cloning the repo:
- open the terminal
- go to the directory (where package.json) live.
- type
npm i
to install the packages. - type
node server.js
and then open the live server and start playing around 😎.
- tools: VSCode, Github, Email.js, Animate.css, Bootstrap, Owl carousel, Auth0, trello, github pages, netlify, fontawsome, jquery.
- languages: HTML, CSS, Javascript.
branch hold the v2 with different styling. this branch merged with themain
branch hold another styling with another functionality.- this project have english version only.
- all the content is a dump data, because no data provided.
- this project is an open project so you can add your touch if you want.
- there is no backend or databases connection, it is only a basic and static content.
- this project deployed on github pages and netlify, githun pages contains the
branch version-1, and netlify containslogin
branch version-2.