
This repo has the challenges to be pulled daily by the student


Code Challenges:

Language: JavaScript

Get Started:

First time only

  • Use this template: code-challenges-students-template
  • Name your repo exactly Code Challenges and Algorithms.
  • Clone your repo to your local machine.
  • Navigate to javascript folder: cd javascript
  • Install the packages: npm i

For Each Code Challenge:

  • Retrieve the Code Challenge Question: npm run pull-challenge <data_structure_name> <challenge-number>
    • For Example:
    npm run pull-challenge linkedlist 01
  • Navigate to the challenge folder: code-challenges/<data_structure_name>/

    • For example:
   cd code-challenges/linkedlist/
  • Solve the Code Challenge and write the required tests
  • To execute the tests run the test from the root of the Code Challenges and Algorithms repo:
  • npm test