
Prep Course in Full-Stack JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Prep Course js-02:

Course At a Glance:

First Week: HTML, CSS, Javascript Second Week: Javascript Third Week: Backend Development Forth Week: Frontend Development
Day 01: Git, GitHub and, Terminal Day 06: Javascript: Loops and Functions Day 11: Building a Server Day 16: React: Introduction
Day 02: GitHub Branches and Wireframes Day 07: Javascript: Hoisting, Objects and, DOM Day 12: 3rd Party API Day 17: Routing, Conditional Rendering, Events and, State
Day 03: HTML Day 08: Javascript: DOM Manipulation and Events Day 13: Databases Day 18: Hooks and Linking Frontend with Backend
Day 04: CSS Day 09: Local Storage and JSON Day 14: CRUD Day 19: Frontend Deployment
Day 05: Javascript: Introduction Day 10: Recursive Function and Regex Day 15: Backend Deployment Day 20: Advance Installation Party