Don't Starve Polish Translation

Polish translations for Don't Starve. Based on (

Working with:

  • Don't Starve
  • Don't Starve RoG
  • Don't Starve Shipwrecked

Polish fonts

Currenly Don't Starve does not support UTF-8 encoding (only ASCII). In src directory you can find polish.po file with UTF-8 string. This file is ready to edit in any PO editor.

To make it work with Don't Starve we need to change all polish special characters to these available in ASCII table. You can do this with rake release command. In will prepare all files in dist folder.


You can install mod from Steam Workshop or build on your computer with rake distribute. Before that you need to set MODS_DIRECTORY ENV variable.

MODS_DIRECTORY="" rake distribute

Useful commands

rake distribute  # Copy release to mods directory
rake release     # Create release