
a little sprint review for you ♥️

Welcome developers! Please follow these steps to get started 👇

  • fork & clone this project
  • cd into your project
  • create your own branch - firstname-lastname
  • npm i to get all node dependencies

We will be building a project that follows these guidlines

  • a store can have multiple groceries
  • a grocery belongs to only one store
  • a store can use multiple supplies. Examples of some supplies would be: reusable grocery bags, cart, grocery list, pen
  • the same supplies can be used in mulitple stores
  • when adding a grocery the client must provide a id of an existing store


please follow this schema when building your db tables

Table Names Requirements Entities
store name unique ID(integer), name(string), location(string), completed(boolean)
gorceries store_id, name unique ID(integer), store_id(matches with store ID in the store table, integer) name(string), completed(boolean)
supplies name unique ID(integer), name(string), in_use(boolean)
store_supplies a table to combine the store and the supplies tables store_id, supplies_id store_id(matches with the store ID in the store table, integer), supplies_id(matches with the supplies ID in the supplies table)

as you build these tables, think about the relationships between them


if you are a visual learner and would like a drawing of the table connections, here is a jamboard I created 😊 👇
