
LNB Transliterator, version 2

Primary LanguageJava


LNB Transliterator, version 2

Basicaly intended for including as library. For testing and experimenting primitive CLI is provided. To run it, compile project with Ant build.xml and run dist/run.bat (on Windows) or lv.ailab.lnb.fraktur.sampleui.TransliteratorCLI.main() from the directory where path.conf file is. Bigger tests for exploring possibilities of given rule sets will available in dist/testdata and can be launched by dist/run.bat. These tests my require several minutes to complite and 1-2GB RAM.

Build.xml assumes that https://github.com/PeterisP/morphology is in the directory right next to Transliterator.


Pretkalniņa L., Paikens P., Grūzītis N., Rituma L., Spektors A. Making Historical Latvian Texts More Intelligible to Contemporary Readers. Proceedings of LREC 2012 Workshop “Adaptation of Language Resources and Tools for Processing Cultural Heritage Objects”, Istanbul, Turkey, 2012, pp. 29–35