The Bootcamp Module 11 Challenge - "Mercado Libre" Traffic Analysis requires the preparation of a strategy to help the company grow by using search traffic predictions as an indicator for stock trading opportunities and sales through the site.
Part II. : Mine the Search traffic data to determine time of the day (hourly) and day of the week (daily) seasonality.
The following list includes the main technologies and tools using during the preparation and deployment of the solution:
1. Python - Programming language used to code the solution. Version 3.7.13 was used. Required libraries and frames listed in the Installation section below
2. GitHub - Reposotory for code deployment, version management and documentation of the presented solution
3. Jupyter Labs - IDE tool for coding, code testing/debugging and solution documentation. Version V3.4.4 was used
4. Git Bash console - Local console used to test the coded solution and sync wiht GitHub Version was utilized
5. Slack - Collaboration tool to communicate and brainstorm with other FinTech Bootcamp participants
1. prophet : Prophet is a procedure for forecasting time series data based on an additive model where non-linear trends are fit with yearly, weekly, and daily seasonality, plus holiday effects. It works best with time series that have strong seasonal effects and several seasons of historical data. Prophet is robust to missing data and shifts in the trend, and typically handles outliers well. Prophet is open source software released by Facebook’s Core Data Science team. It is available for download on CRAN and PyPI. Install in your environment following the steps below:
pip install prophet
Note: The above installation instructions are for the Prophet package to work locally in a Windows computer; if Prophet does not work locally, virtual environment options, such as Google Colab can be utilized.
2. hvplot : hvplot is a Python library that provides a high-level interface for creating interactive and visually appealing visualizations. It is built on top of HoloViews and provides a simplified API for generating plots directly from Pandas DataFrames, GeoPandas DataFrames, xarray datasets, and other data structures commonly used in the PyData ecosystem. To install, follow these steps:
pip install hvplot
The 11.Mercado_Libre repository in GitHub contains the solution components. The repository consists of the following folders and contents as described below:
1. Resources : Contains the .csv files with the Mercado Libre related stats for Google searches, Stock close prices and site Sales, which serve as the basis for the analysis.
2. gitignore : Instructions for which files/file types to exclude from the sync process between GitHub and the local environment.
4. mercado_libre_forecasting_prophet.ipynb : This is the Jupyter Notebook with the code for the core challenge solution, analysis and conclusions based on the data available in the Resources folder.
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