
Simple C++ Config Loader Framework(Serialization & Reflection)

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

config-loader 中文版

config-loader is a static reflection framework written in C++17 from parse configuration file to native data structure. It has the following characteristics:

  • Simple interface, users need to define data structure and provide corresponding configuration file, the framework uses meta-programming technology to generate load interface
  • The design conforms to the opening and closing principle, extends the data structure without modifying the framework
  • Currently supports XML, JSON and YAML format configuration files, a variety of methods can be flexibly composed
  • Lightweight, easy to integrate, less than ~1000 lines of code
  • Support nested data structure, STL container
  • Complete test cases
  • Support from native data structure to config file, stringify data structure

Future plans:

  • Provide additional C++20 version

Build & Run


$ git clone --depth=1 --recursive https://github.com/netcan/config-loader.git
$ cd config-loader
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make -j


$ cd bin/
$ ./config_loader_test

Quickly start

Firstly use DEFINE_SCHEMA macro to define the data structure:

// define and reflect a struct
DEFINE_SCHEMA(Point,                          // struct Point {
              (double) x,                     //     double x;
              (double) y);                    //     double y;
                                              // };

// vector and string
DEFINE_SCHEMA(SomeOfPoints,                   // struct SomeOfPoints {
              (std::string) name,             //     std::string name;
              (std::vector<Point>) points);   //     std::vector<Point> points;
                                              // };

Provide configuration files, load on demand:

SomeOfPoints someOfPoints;
auto res = JsonLoader<SomeOfPoints>().load(someOfPoints, [] {
    return R"(
            "name": "Some of points",
                {"x": 1.2, "y": 3.4 },
                {"x": 5.6, "y": 7.8 },
                {"x": 2.2, "y": 3.3 }
REQUIRE(res == Result::SUCCESS);
REQUIRE_THAT(someOfPoints.name, Equals("Some of points"));
REQUIRE(someOfPoints.points.size() == 3);

Or, through an XML configuration file.

SomeOfPoints someOfPoints;
auto res = XMLLoader<SomeOfPoints>().load(someOfPoints, [] {
    return R"(
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <name>Some of points</name>
REQUIRE(res == Result::SUCCESS);
REQUIRE_THAT(someOfPoints.name, Equals("Some of points"));
REQUIRE(someOfPoints.points.size() == 3);

Through a YAML configuration file.

SomeOfPoints someOfPoints;
auto res = XMLLoader<SomeOfPoints>().load(someOfPoints, [] {
return R"(
        name: Some of points
          - x: 1.2
            y: 3.4
          - x: 5.6
            y: 7.8
          - x: 2.2
            y: 3.3
REQUIRE(res == Result::SUCCESS);
REQUIRE_THAT(someOfPoints.name, Equals("Some of points"));
REQUIRE(someOfPoints.points.size() == 3);

Sometimes, your software system needs a unified configuration management module to manage all data structures and corresponding configuration files. At this time, you can define the manager by composing each Loader.

inline Deserializer ConfigLoaderManager {
    YamlLoader<SomeOfPoints>() // Provide config file on demand

Similarly, use the load interface to load on demand, and ConfigLoaderManager will automatically parse it according to the configured path and the given data structure. Your IDE should be able to get all the load interfaces.

 82     Deserializer ConfigLoaderManager(
 83             JsonLoader<Point>("/etc/configs/Point.json"_path),
 84             XMLLoader<Rect>("/etc/configs/Rect.xml"_path),
 85             JsonLoader<SomeOfPoints>()
 86     );
 87     ConfigLoaderManager.l
 88                         load(Rect &obj)~                                   f [LS]
 89                         load(Point &obj)~                                  f [LS]
 90 }                       load(SomeOfPoints &obj, GET_CONTENT &&getContent)~ f [LS]
~                           load(Rect &obj, GET_CONTENT &&getContent)~         f [LS]
~                           load(Point &obj, GET_CONTENT &&getContent)~        f [LS]


The current framework depends on the following libraries:

  • tinyxml2, used for parsing xml configuration files
  • jsoncpp, used for parsing json configuration files
  • yamlcpp, used for parsing yaml configuration files

In the future, these libraries may be enabled through CMake options to avoid unnecessary dependencies in actual use: only using xml will only rely on the xml parsing library.

This framework requires configuration files to be provided in a standardized format. Taking XML as an example, the field name is required to correspond to the XML tag name, and the value corresponds to the text content of the XML; for the map data structure, the tag uses the attribute name as the key name.

The semantics of the current error code.

enum class Result {
    SUCCESS,              // parse successfully
    ERR_EMPTY_CONTENT,    // The parsing file is empty
    ERR_ILL_FORMED,       // Illegal parsing file
    ERR_MISSING_FIELD,    // Missing field
    ERR_EXTRACTING_FIELD, // Failed to parse the value
    ERR_TYPE,             // Type error