
DEEP: DEnoising Entity Pre-training for Neural Machine Translation

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

DEEP: DEnoising Entity Pre-training for Neural Machine Translation (ACL 2022)


Here are a list of important tools for installation. We also provide a conda env file py39_env.txt.

cd fairseq
pip install --editable ./


Perform SLING's entity linking

After installing SLING, you should have your SLING installed under $REPO/tools/sling (REPO denotes the path to this repo). Then run the following to perform entity linking on Wikipedia article.

cd tools/sling
lang=uk    # uk: Ukraine
version=20221101  # the version we used
./run.sh --download_wikidata --download_wikipedia --wikipedia $version --language $lang

This will generate annotated Ukraine Wikipedia articles under $REPO/tools/sling/local/data/e/wiki/uk/documents-0000{0-9}-of-00010.rec, which will be used to create pre-training data.

Prepare DEEP's Pre-training Data

After the installation of above tools, run the following to create DEEP's pre-training data.

bash data-scripts/create_deep_pretraining_data.sh

This will generate two folders. Each language (e.g., uk_XX) has its sub-folder:

  • data/Wikipedia/wiki-max512-deep-spm250000/uk_XX/ - Raw text : train-{0-9}.{en_XX,uk_XX,idx,qid}, and valid.{en_XX,uk_XX,idx,qid}
  • data/Wikipedia/wiki-max512-deep-spm250000-bin/uk_XX - Fairseq's binarized data: train-{0-9}.en_XX-uk_XX.{en_XX,uk_XX}.{bin,idx}

Pre-training on TPU

We pre-train the mBART models using TPU on Google Cloud Platform. The model is pre-trained on the pre-training data created above. We modify the Fairseq's repository such that we can run the code on GCP's TPU.

bash train-scripts/pretrain-deep-mbart.sh

Finetune on Downstream MT Task

Here we give an example of fune-tuning our pre-trained models on the Ted En-Uk dataset. Replace [GPU ID] by an integer (e.g., 0, 1, ...) indicating which GPU to use.

bash train-scripts/finetune-deep-ted.sh [GPU ID]  

Evaluate on Downstream MT Task

bash train-scripts/test_ted_enuk_deep.sh [GPU ID]


If you find our work interesting and use the code in this repository, please cite our ACL2022 paper.

    title = "{DEEP}: {DE}noising Entity Pre-training for Neural Machine Translation",
    author = "Hu, Junjie  and
      Hayashi, Hiroaki  and
      Cho, Kyunghyun  and
      Neubig, Graham",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)",
    month = may,
    year = "2022",
    address = "Dublin, Ireland",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/2022.acl-long.123",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/2022.acl-long.123",
    pages = "1753--1766",