
Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


A set of achievement about freedom and blood.

Installtion Tutorial


Install the panel
Enable curl、gd、fileinfo、openssl components
Enable all functions which start with 'proc_' (from 'disable_function' configuration)
Establish a new website, set relevant configuration(floder)
Add rewrite rules of 'Laravel'

location / {
    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args;

2.Git clone and necessary configuration

Set everything absolutely correctly in .env file in root directory(rename from .env.example)
After modification, excute following codes

php artisan cache:clear 
php artisan config:clear

3.Database initialization

Establish a database in 'utf8mb4'
Import the sql file from 'sql' folder

4.Process installtion

cd ssrpanel/
php composer.phar install
php artisan key:generate
chown -R www:www storage/
chmod -R 777 storage/

5.Add timed task via crontab and run queue

use the same role as ssrpanel

crontab -e -u www
* * * * * php /home/wwwroot/ssrpanel/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

sh queue.sh

Everything should work smoothly and safe

Q&A:Customize images and other assets



