
Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0




$ mvn sonar:sonar -Dsonar.projectKey=[PROJECT_KEY] -Dsonar.host.url=[SONAR_URL] -Dsonar.analysis.host=[REPO_HOST] -Dsonar.analysis.owner=[REPO_OWNER] -Dsonar.analysis.repo=[REPO_NAME] -Dsonar.analysis.pullNumber=[PR_NUMBER] -Dsonar.analysis.token=[GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN] -Dsonar.analysis.scm=[SCM] -Dsonar.analysis.username=[SCM_USERNAME] -Dsonar.login=[PROJECT_TOKEN]


Parameter Example Description
sonar.projectKey 1/ test Key of the SonarQube project
sonar.host.url 1/ http://localhost:9000 URL running the SonarQube instance
sonar.login 1/ [PROJECT_TOKEN] Token generated in SonarQube to access given project
sonar.analysis.host https://api.github.com Hostname of the analyzed SCM
sonar.analysis.owner LZaruba Owner of the repository, usually a part of the repo URL
sonar.analysis.repo sonar-scm-plugin Name of the repository
sonar.analysis.pullNumber 27 #id of the pull request
sonar.analysis.token [ACCESS_TOKEN] Access token for the SCM
sonar.analysis.scm github Type of the SCM, valid values are github, bitbucketServer
sonar.analysis.username LZaruba Username related to the access token for the SCM

1/ Properties related to the Maven SonarQube plugin, listed for reference only

Development and Contributing

Run Locally

  1. Build docker image:
$ make build
  1. Run sonarqube locally:
$ docker-compose up
# or to avoid attaching the volume use:
$ docker run -p 9000:9000 -p 8000:8000 docker.io/lz/sonar-scm-plugin
  1. Init the SonarQube server

    1. Visit: http://localhost:9000
    2. Login using admin / admin credentials
    3. Update the admin password to any that you like
    4. Accept risk of installed plugin
    5. Create project using the Manually option, choose whatever name and key
    6. Create token using Locally option when asked about: How do you want to analyze your repository?
    7. Choose any name for the token
    8. Copy the generated token value
    9. Boom! Done!
  2. Execute the Sonar analysis as described in the Usage section


  1. Attach Remote Debug to localhost:8000 (see IntelliJ Tutorial)
  2. Set your breakpoints
  3. Execute Sonar analysis as described in the Usage section
  4. Wait for a bit once the analyzers are executed in SonarQube
  5. Debug...


  • Follow the Google code style guide.
  • Make sure that your change contain proper test coverage
  • Separate API (Interface) from implementation (Class Implementation)
  • Add license header and class header based on the example of AnalysisProcessor class