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sdk-bsp-ra8d1-vision-board is the support package developed by the RT-Thread team for the Vision-Board development board. It serves as a software SDK for users to simplify their application development process.
The Vision-Board development board, based on the Renesas Cortex-M85 architecture RA8D1 chip, offers engineers a flexible and comprehensive development platform, empowering them to explore the realm of machine vision more deeply.
$ sdk-bsp-ra8d1-vision-board
├── README.md
├── sdk-bsp-ra8d1-vision-board.yaml
├── documents
│ ├── coding_style_cn.md
│ ├── RA8D1_Datasheet.pdf
│ ├── RA8D1_User’s Manual.pdf
│ ├── Vision_Board_schematic.pdf
│ └── images
├── libraries
│ ├── HAL_Drivers
├── projects
│ ├── lcd
│ │ ├── vision_board_mipi_2.0inch
│ │ ├── vision_board_mipi_7.0inch
│ │ └── vision_board_rgb_4.3inch
│ ├── doom
│ │ ├── vision_board_mipi_2.0inch_doom
│ │ └── vision_board_rgb_4.3inch_doom
│ ├── usb
│ │ ├── vision_board_tinyusb_cdc
│ │ ├── vision_board_tinyusb_hid
│ │ ├── vision_board_tinyusb_msc
│ │ └── vision_board_tinyusb_uvc
│ ├── nes
│ │ ├── vision_board_mipi_2.0inch_nes
│ │ └── vision_board_rgb_4.3inch_nes
│ ├── lvgl
│ │ ├── vision_board_mipi_2.0inch_lvgl
│ │ └── vision_board_rgb_4.3inch_lvgl
│ ├── vision_board_blink_led
│ ├── vision_board_camera
│ ├── vision_board_openmv
│ └── vision_board_wifi
└── rt-thread
- sdk-bsp-ra8d1-vision-board.yaml: Contains hardware information for Vision-Board.
- documents: Includes drawings, documents, images, datasheets, etc.
- libraries: Generic peripheral drivers for RA8D1.
- projects: Consists of example project folders, including factory programs, OpenMV programs, etc.
- rt-thread: Holds the RT-Thread source code.
sdk-bsp-ra8d1-vision-board supports development using both RT-Thread Studio and MDK.
- Open RT-Thread Studio and install the Vision Board development board support package (it's recommended to install the latest version).
- Download and install PyOCD version ≥0.2.3 (required for firmware flashing).
- Create a new Vision Board project by selecting File -> New -> RT-Thread Project -> Based on Development Board. You can create example or template projects.
- Compile and download the project.
- Execute the mklinks.bat file to generate two folders: rt-thread and libraries.
Note: If the mklinks script cannot be executed, manually copy the rt-thread and libraries folders from the sdk-bsp-ra8d1-vision-board directory to the project directory.
- Open the project.uvprojx file to launch the MDK project.
- Click the build button to compile the project.
- Click the download button to flash the firmware.