
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This script is designed to integrate reactive DOM elements easily in a classic HTML file.


Clone or download an archive of this repo and open example/index.html with a browser of your choice (except IE).


Simply copy the SmartDOM.js file, located in the root folder, in your project directory and add the following at the end of your <body> element :

<script type="text/javascript" src="SmartDOM.js"></script>


The reactive variables initialisation is made in the HTML using specifics tags.

For example :

<SmartVar data-name="example">Test</SmartVar>

This will create a reactive variable named "example" with the value Test.

You need to specify a data-name so you can interact with the data.

You can also create SmartObjects :

<SmartObj data-name="list">
	<SmartObjField data-name="elem1">Elem1</SmartObjField>
	<SmartObjField data-name="elem2">Elem2</SmartObjField>
	<SmartObj data-name="elem3">
		<SmartObjField data-name="elem3-1">Elem3-1</SmartObjField>
		<SmartObjField data-name="elem3-2">Elem3-2</SmartObjField>

(Nested objects are possible)

Listening for changes

You can listen for SmartVar and SmartObj changes using the following :

Returns a data object containing :
	- value : the new value (passed in .set())
	- oldValue : the previous value
	- node : the HTML node associated to the value

The return value is optional. If it's provided, the returned content will be used for the render. If not, val will be.
SmartDOM.onChange(<data-name>, function(data) {
  return "Test2";

It also works for SmartObjs. In this case, val is the whole object.

Modifying values

To change a SmartVar value, you will use the .set() function, like so :

SmartDOM.set(<data-name>, /* new value*/);

For SmartObjs there's two ways of modifying the values :

SmartDOM.set(<data-name>, {/* Your new object */}); // Update the whole object

Setting individual fields using dot notation is comming soon.


You can change style of SmartVars by using :

SmartDOM.setStyle(<data-name>, {marginBottom: "20px"});

You can also change classes directly by using the following method :

SmartDOM.addClass(<data-name>, [/* class names */]); // add the classes to the associated html node
SmartDOM.removeClass(<data-name>, [/* class names */]); // Remove the classes from the associated html node

Working on SmartArrs...