
Parse shareable metadata from webpages using the open graph protocol.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


meta-og-scrape, (built from OpenGraphJS) builds a JSON object from a web page which follows the Open Graph Protocol. The JavaScript object returned by this library contains important metadata such as the description, image, and title.

Code Climate Build Status Test Coverage npm


npm install meta-og-scrape


Promise support

  • Its easy, if you are using a version of node with Promises you are ready to go!
  • Other versions of node:
    • define global.Promise = require('bluebird');
    • Feel free to substitute Bluebird with your perferred promise library
// Include it
var ogjs = require('meta-og-scrape');
// Pass in a URL
ogjs({ url: 'http://animateme.app' })
  .then(function (data) {
    console.log(data); // some share data parsed from metatags..
  }, function (err) {
    console.log('It seems that we have fumbled with an error', err);


// Include it
var ogjs = require('meta-og-scrape');
// Pass in a URL
ogjs({ url: 'http://animateme.app' }, function (err, data) {
    if (err) {
      console.log('It seems that we have fumbled with an error', err);
    console.log(data); // some share data parsed from metatags..

Expected ouput


  title: 'Open Graph protocol',
  type: 'website',
  url: 'http://ogp.me/',
  description: 'The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph.',
  image: [{ 
    url: 'http://ogp.me/logo.png',
    type: 'image/png',
    width: '300',
    height: '300' 

Supported properties

Property Name JS Name Type Description
og:title title string title set in og:title, if missing uses the page's title tag
og:type type string open graph type for the current document
og:url url string sharable url to content
og:description description string describes the media/page being shared
og:determiner determiner string
og:locale locale object has two properties, `name` which contains the default locale
and `alternate` which is an array of strings with additional locales
og:site_name siteName string
og:image image array Array of objects

- url (always present)
- secureUrl (optional)
- width (optional)
- height (optional)
og:video video array Array of objects

- url (always present)
- secureUrl (optional)
- width (optional)
- height (optional)
og:audio audio array Array of objects

- url (always present)
- secureUrl (optional)

Credits and Acknowledgements