
TP | 75.52 - Taller de Programación II | 1C2018 | FIUBA

Primary LanguagePython

Hypechat Server

Project Bootstrapping

First things first, clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/MaxiSuppes/hypechat-server.git

Then, you could choose between running locally in your OS, or running with Docker.

Local OS

  1. Install Python's virtual environment.
pip install virtualenv
  1. Create a new virtualenv in the project folder
virtualenv -p python3 hypechat
  1. Install Python's modules
pip install -Ur requirements.txt
  1. Activate it
source hypechat/bin/activate
  1. Set environment variables
source .env
  1. Run
flask run

Development mode will connect with a local database for fastest connection. To install PostgreSQL and create the tables:

sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
createdb hypechat
createdb hypechat_test
python manage.py db init
python manage.py db migrate
python manage.py db upgrade

The tables structures are located in the file tables-scripts.sql.


  1. Install Docker
sudo apt-get docker.io
  1. Create the Server image
docker build -t hypechat-server:latest .
  1. Run
docker run --net host -d -p 5000:5000 hypechat-server


The test module uses Unittest framework. To run tests:

coverage run -m unittest discover -s tests

To get the coverage report:

coverage report -m

For a prettier presentation:

coverage html

And check ./htmlcov/index.html

Also, we provide with the script test, so for the full test experience just make sure to give it execution permissions and try it!

chmod +x ./test


The Hypechat Server is hosted in Heroku. To deploy using Heroku CLI:

heroku login -i
heroku container:login
heroku container:push web --app hypechat-server
heroku container:release web --app hypechat-server

To create the Docker image and deploy in just one step, it's provided the deploy script. Make sure to give it execution permissions before execute it.

chmod +x ./deploy

Heroku's host is: https://hypechat-server.herokuapp.com