
This repository holds all of the source code for the LPC.

The LPC (Launch Pad Camera) module has the goal to stream live video to the GSC. The LPC architecture is embedded-oriented as it represents an attempt to develop a robust camera module for other purposes within the team.

Requirements key points

  • Live Streaming: Design, test, and manufacture an LPC camera module for live streaming video from the launch pad to the GSC

  • Two-Way Communication: The LPC is controlled from the GSC

  • Autonomy: 8-hour operation with 45-minute video recording and transmission, in normal conditions

For full details, refer to project documentation (not yet written) or contact the team.

System overview


General project information

This is part of the Firehorn project, created by the EPFL Rocket Team. The goal of the project is to develop the first student bi-liquid rocket capable of reaching 9km.

This repository is one of six repositories on this Git account dedicated to all the code within the ground segment subsystem.

On the same account you'll find the other repositories

  • GroundSegment    General informations
  • Control                   Ground Segment Control (GUI, ...)
  • Motherboard         Motherboard interfacing Radioboard and GSC
  • RadioBoard            Radio Communications boards
  • Tracker                    Rocket Tracker, both Antenna and Camera