
A simple HTML & SCSS rapid prototyping toolkit for responsive web design.

Primary LanguageCSS


A simple HTML & SCSS rapid prototyping toolkit for responsive web design by @adamwhitcroft.

Visit the Proto website for detailed documentation and usage examples.


Class Reference Table:

For complete usage examples, refer to the Proto website.

Class Description
block Apply to just about everything
center Centers an element within its parent
grid Defines an element that contains children using a grid system
hundred Sets a width of 100% on an element
ninety Sets a width of 90% on an element
eighty Sets a width of 80% on an element
seventyfive Sets a width of 75% on an element
seventy Sets a width of 70% on an element
sixtysix Sets a width of 66.666% on an element
sixty Sets a width of 60% on an element
fifty Sets a width of 50% on an element
forty Sets a width of 40% on an element
thirtythree Sets a width of 33.333% on an element
thirty Sets a width of 30% on an element
twentyfive Sets a width of 25% on an element
twenty Sets a width of 20% on an element
ten Sets a width of 10% on an element
desktop Defines an element that will only be visible on desktops
tablet Defines an element that will only be visible on tablets
phone Defines an element that will only be visible on phones
not-desktop Defines an element that will be visible on everything but desktops
not-tablet Defines an element that will be visible on everything but tablets
not-phone Defines an element that will be visible on everything but phones
-demo Visually demonstrates that an element will be hidden without hiding it
-to- Defines a change in an element's size depending on the viewport