
A game for the global game jam 2015

Primary LanguageC#

-- How to build the project --
step 1. instal Unity 4.6.x from http://unity3d.com/unity/download
step 2. instal and setup the android sdk following the instructions at http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/android-sdksetup.html
step 3. open the ShuffleBluffle project in unity, available at http://goo.gl/5dG4b6 or in the archive attached with this file.
step 4. go into File->Build Settings... under platform select Android and then click Build.
step 5. select where you want to build the apk file

-- How to instal the apk file on a device --

step 1. Go into your andorid device's settings and allow instals from Unknown Sourcess
step 2. Transfer the apk file to your device
step 3. Navigate to the apk file in your device through File Manager or a similar software and instal it.
step 4. Play the game.