
I24's Transform module for post-post processing

Primary LanguagePython


I24's Transform module for downstream traffic visualization and analysis (post-post processing).

The module is collection-agnostic, meaning it can transform both RAW and RECONCILED collections without explicit configuration.

transform_raw transform_reconciled

High level overview

The Transform module:

  1. Subscribes to a post-processed collection via mongoDB's change stream (change_stream_reader.py)
  2. Transforms trajectories into a timestamp-based document (transformation.py)
  3. Writes and updates the documents into a transformed mongoDB collection (batch_update.py)
  4. Parallelizes step 1-3 with multiprocessing (main.py)

Initialize config

  1. Clone the repository

  2. Create a config.json file using config.template.json.

  3. Enter the credentials for connecting to MongoDB and the collection info

    read_database_name & read_collection_name: The name of the collection and its database to transform (must already exist in db)

    write_database_name & write_collection_name: The name of the transformed collection and its database (to be generated by main.py)

    	"host": "x.x.x.x",
    	"port": 27017,
    	"username": "username",
    	"password": "password",
    	"read_database_name": "db_name",
    	"read_collection_name": "collection_name"
    	"write_database_name": "database_name"
    	"write_collection_name": "collection_name"

How to transform an existing (static) collection using static_collection_transformer.py

  1. Initialize config
  2. Run run_static_transformer.py

How to transform a dynamic collection using run_dynamic_transformer.py

  1. Initialize config
  2. Run run_dynamic_transformer.py