
Hypothesis extension for computational biology

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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Hypothesis-Bio is a Hypothesis extension for property-based testing of bioinformatic software.

Automates the testing process to validate the correctness of bioinformatics tools by generating a wide range of test cases beyond human testers. Finds and returns the minimal error test case that causes an exception.


This module provides a Hypothesis strategy for generating biological data formats. This can be used to efficiently and thoroughly test your code.

Currently supports DNA, RNA, protein, CDS, k-mers, FASTA, & FASTQ formats.

Quick Start

Basic Example

So what exactly does Hypothesis-Bio do? Let's look at some example code that calculates GC-content:

def gc_content(seq):
    return (seq.count("G") + seq.count("C")) / len(seq)

(Can you spot the bug in the code?)

Now let's use Hypothesis-Bio to find the bug. To do so, we specify a property about our code that we expect to hold true over all examples. In this case, GC-content is a percentage, so we know it should always be between 0 and 1. We can encode that requirement into a test:

from hypothesis import given
from hypothesis_bio import dna

def test_gc_content(seq):
    assert 0 <= gc_content(seq) <= 1

When we run the test (by calling test_gc_content), we get the following output:

Falsifying example: test_gc_content(seq='')

ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

Aha! When given an empty sequence, our simple gc_content calculator raises an error. This simple example shows the power of property-based testing. Instead of hard coding inputs and output examples, we can let Hypothesis-Bio do the hard work for us.

Another Example

We saw that Hypothesis-Bio can catch simple bugs like a division by zero error, but it can do so much more than that. Let's consider another function that translates from DNA to protein:

genetic_code = {
    "ATA": "I", "ATC": "I", "ATT": "I", "ATG": "M", "ACA": "T", "ACC": "T", "ACG": "T", "ACT": "T",
    "AAC": "N", "AAT": "N", "AAA": "K", "AAG": "K", "AGC": "S", "AGT": "S", "AGA": "R", "AGG": "R",
    "CTA": "L", "CTC": "L", "CTG": "L", "CTT": "L", "CCA": "P", "CCC": "P", "CCG": "P", "CCT": "P",
    "CAC": "H", "CAT": "H", "CAA": "Q", "CAG": "Q", "CGA": "R", "CGC": "R", "CGG": "R", "CGT": "R",
    "GTA": "V", "GTC": "V", "GTG": "V", "GTT": "V", "GCA": "A", "GCC": "A", "GCG": "A", "GCT": "A",
    "GAC": "D", "GAT": "D", "GAA": "E", "GAG": "E", "GGA": "G", "GGC": "G", "GGG": "G", "GGT": "G",
    "TCA": "S", "TCC": "S", "TCG": "S", "TCT": "S", "TTC": "F", "TTT": "F", "TTA": "L", "TTG": "L",
    "TAC": "Y", "TAT": "Y", "TAA": "*", "TAG": "*", "TGC": "C", "TGT": "C", "TGA": "*", "TGG": "W",

def translate(dna):
    protein = ""
    for codon_start_index in range(0, len(dna), 3):
        codon = dna[codon_start_index : codon_start_index + 3]
        protein += genetic_code[codon]
    return protein

This looks pretty good, right? (Hint: nope! Can you find all the bugs?) For our testing code, we can rely on the property that a DNA sequence's protein is always a third the length of DNA sequence (since three DNA bases are used to code for each amino acid in the protein):

from hypothesis import given
from hypothesis_bio import dna

def test_translate(seq):
    assert len(translate(seq)) == len(seq) / 3

When we run it, we get the following error:

Falsifying example: test_translate(seq='A')

KeyError: 'A'

It turns out that our translation function never actually checked to ensure that the DNA sequence was a coding sequence. If the sequence isn't at least three letters long, there's no way to convert it into a protein. We should fix our function, but to see just what Hypothesis-Bio can do, we'll tell it the minimum length DNA sequence we want via the min_size argument:

def test_translate(seq):
    assert len(translate(seq)) == len(seq) / 3

Now we get this error:

Falsifying example: test_translate(seq='AA-')

KeyError: 'AA-'

Whoops, we forgot to take gap characters into account! Note that Hypothesis didn't just find any example that raised a bug, it found the smallest falsifying example. Again, while we should fix the translate function, let's just ignore the issue to see what else Hypothesis will find:

@given(dna(min_size=3, allow_gaps=False))
def test_translate(seq):
    assert len(translate(seq)) == len(seq) / 3

Now we get:

Falsifying example: test_translate(seq='AAB')

KeyError: 'AAB'

It turns out we also forgot the ambiguous nucleotides as well. What else can we find if we ignore ambiguous nucleotides?

@given(dna(min_size=3, allow_gaps=False, allow_ambiguous=False))
def test_translate(seq):
    assert len(translate(seq)) == len(seq) / 3

Now we get:

Falsifying example: test_translate(seq='AAa')

KeyError: 'AAa'

We also forgot to handle lowercase characters! By passing the argument uppercase_only=True to dna, we can tell Hypothesis-Bio to only generate uppercase DNA sequences:

@given(dna(min_size=3, allow_gaps=False, allow_ambiguous=False, uppercase_only=True))
def test_translate(seq):
    assert len(translate(seq)) == len(seq) / 3

And now we get:

Falsifying example: test_translate(seq='AAAA')

KeyError: 'A'

We now see another bug, in which a sequence whose length isn't divisible by 3 will result in a KeyError since there'll be a partial codon. Gaps and ambiguous bases and lowercase letters, oh my! Thankfully, Hypothesis-Bio will generate all of these weird edge cases so you don't manually have to.


Hypothesis-Bio will be available from PyPI via:

pip install hypothesis-bio

And Conda using:

conda install -c [CHANNEL GOES HERE] hypothesis-bio


The documentation for Hypothesis-Bio is available here.


If you use Hypothesis-Bio, please cite it as:

Hypothesis-Bio. https://github.com/Lab41/hypothesis-bio

or, for BibTeX:

  author    = {Benjamin Lee and Reva Shenwai and Zongyi Ha and Michael B. Hall and Vaastav Anand},
  title     = {{Hypothesis-Bio}},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  url       = {https://github.com/Lab41/hypothesis-bio}