
Shift Grid System

Primary LanguageRuby

Shift Grid System

A responsive grid system that works by adding/removing columns, rather than by making columns narrower.

To Do:

  • Consider replacing gradient striping with data-uri background image. There may be a problem producing multiple stripes without duplicating the data-uri. The advantage is the the lines could be dotted (this may be possible with gradients too)
  • Provide light and dark versions of striping. Stripes should be white or black and semi-transparent, so they work over any color.
  • documentation
  • consider producing a less version. This will be more versatile and will make in-browser compiling possible.
    • or, at least document the sass features being used that don't have a simple less equivalent


  • If $startFluid is false, at4-hide gets immediately overrided by at4-show. In otherwords, there is no reason to ever hide the first breakpoint if $startFluid isn't true.
  • If there is a breakpoint at 1 column, it won't use the correct stripe color. It will use the normal stripe color, not the breakpoint color. (why would anyone have a breakpoint at 1?)

Documentation Notes:

The documentation still needs to be written. Here are some notes to help me remember what needs to be covered.

  • using with sass vs using precompiled examples
  • variables
  • wrapper classes (.conainer, .grid)
  • .span*
  • .offset*
  • .group*
  • how breakpoints work
    • $startFluid
    • .at*-span*, at*-span*
    • at() breakpoint mixin
      • using in conjunction with at() mixin
      • be careful about css bloat
    • if you set a span wider than the current document, it will be treated as full width until a wider breakpoint is reached. This is very helpful.
  • layout modes
  • stripes
  • nesting
    • nesting works, but it doesn't prevent you from having spans or offsets that are too wide.
    • breakpoints are only aware of the document width, not the width of spans.
  • advice for css
    • avoid class conflicts
      • span and group are most likely to cause problems
      • change class shifty class names if need be
    • width must be preserved, so use box-sizing: border-box to prevent padding and borders from making spans wider


  • Many ideas borrowed from Twitter Bootstrap, including class names and grid dimensions.