Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


####This module is deprecated and is not under active development. Active development has been migrated to the Signal Data module.####

Basic Setup:

  1. Create a LabKey Assay Project/Folder
  2. Hover over the Project or Folder menu, and click Create Project or Create Subfolder.
  3. Provide a Name and select type Assay.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Set permissions (optional) and click Next.
  6. Click Finish.
  7. Enable the HPLC module
  8. Navigate to the new folder.
  9. Open folder management (Go to Admin > Folder > Management).
  10. Click the Folder Type tab.
  11. Under Modules, check the HPLC module. (Leave existing checked items.)
  12. Click the Update Folder button to save changes.
  13. Create an Assay Design
  14. In the Assay List web part, click New Assay Design.
  15. On the New Assay Design page, select Raw HPLC as the assay type.
  16. Click Next.
  17. Name is the only required field. (Design default values should work fine.)
  18. Click the Save & Close button.

Setup Automated HPLC Result Upload

The steps of this section will setup a script to automatically upload result files from a local directory to your labkey server.

  1. Add the Files webpart.
  2. Within the Files webpart create a folder named HPLCAssayData.
  3. Modify ./lib/assay/rawHPLC/HPLCWatcher.py with your labkey server parameter.
server       = ''  # required, leave off any http(s):// and include any ports (e.g. :8000)
target_dir   = ''  # required, Project/subfolder name
user         = ''  # required
password     = ''  # required
use_ssl      = True
context_path = ''  # Optional, used in development environments. Production environments tend not to use a context path.

filepatterns = ["*.txt", "*.csv", "*.tsv", "*.SEQ"]
sleep_interval = 60
success_interval = 60
machine_name = ''
  1. Copy modified HPLCWatcher.py to the HPLC control system local results drop folder.
  2. run the HPLCWatcher.py script (Currently only Python 2 supported). You should see:

Configuration complete. Listening in

You should be ready to go. Any files dropped within the watched folder should be loaded to the target LabKey instance. If you do have an issue, check watch.log within the same folder for additional information.

Manually Import HPLC Results

To manually upload result files, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to the folder where you wish to upload results.
  2. Add the HPLC Upload webpart.
  3. Drag-and-drop any result files you want to import onto the dropzone.

Drag-and-drop to upload a run

  1. Specify a Run Identifier (required).
  2. Click the Save Run button.

Name and save a run

View Results

To view chromatograms for HPLC results, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to the folder where your HPLC results reside.
  2. On the Assay List webpart, click the name of the RawHPLC assay you created.
  3. Select the run(s) you want to look at, using the checkboxes.
  4. Click View Selected Runs.

View runs

  1. Select the data run(s) you wish to view from the left.
  2. Click the Overlay Selected button.

View runs

  1. The left selection pane will close, and the overlayed results will be displayed in the center pane.

View runs

  1. You can zoom into the graph by entering values in the Time and mV Range text boxes, or by drawing a new area inside the graph using the mouse.

View runs

Enter values in the right pane to calucluate areas under the curves. Select in the name column to highlight different graph lines.

View runs

Installing the HPLC Module

Contact us for details on installing the HPLC module.