
Basic Instruction to setup docker on windows 7

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Basic Instruction to setup docker on windows 7 install docker toolbox https://docs.docker.com/toolbox/overview/#next-steps what docker toolbox will contains ?

  1. you want to have Doker Engine(to create container and images) in order for Docker CLI Client running
  2. you want to have Docker Machine(so that you can run Docker Engine from Windows terminal) Problem: Because Docker Engine Deamon uses Linux-specific kernal feature you can't run Docker Engine natively on windows Solution: you must use Docker Machine command to create and attach a small VM on your linux machine, This VM host Docker Engine for you on your windows system
  3. Kitematic(Docker GUI)
  4. Docker Quickstart Terminal
  5. Oracle VM

My PC:Windows 7 x64 19.5 Gb remaining on C at the time of writing this I'm installing Docker Toolbox version 17.04.0-ce PC Location C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox Full installation Consist Of Docker Client Docker Machine Docker Compose(Optional) Virtual Box Kitematic(Optional) Git(Optional)

After Installation when you will open Docker Quickstart Terminal docker will create a image named "default" at C:\users\username.docker\machine\machines\default.. Creating VirtualBox VM Creating SSH key Creating the VM

there also a note: To see how to connect your docker client to the Docker Engine running on this Virtual Machine run C:\ProgramFiles\Docker ToolBox\docker-machine.exe env default

The terminal runs a special bash environment instead of the standard Windows command prompt. The bash environment is required by Docker.

default machine with IP