Anki Deck from a MR atlas

This generates an anki deck with flashcards for each atlas roi.


To use the deck, see LabNeuroCogDevel/TTDaemonCards.


To generate a new atlas:

  1. change atlas= in *bash files
  2. run make all
  3. Optionally, get predefined note type and cards by import json from LabNeuroCogDevel/TTDaemonCards via the CrowdAnki add-on.
  4. import csv file


  1. Atlas images built with AFNI's bundled TT_Daemon.
    • whereami to get mask
    • 3dCM to get roi center
    • afni to generate jpg
  2. wikipedia summary generated with walle/wiki
  3. csv notes imported into anki and exported with CrowdAnki


  • use freesurfer labels (aparc)
  • git submodules for created decks