Auditory odd ball

audodd is a task rewritten for Pitt MRRC using psychtoolbox.

It is adapted from the task developed by xxx described in Auditory Oddball fMRI in Schizophrenia: Association of Negative Symptoms with Regional Hypoactivation to Novel Distractors.


In matlab or octave with psychtoolbox installed:

%% RUN
audodd 001

mat001 = load('mats/001_20170522131351.mat' );
rt = [mat001.task.timing.rt];
crct = [mat001.task.timing.correct];
% mean: all, correct, incorrect
[ mean(rt(rt>0)), mean(rt(crct)), mean(rt(~crct & rt>0 )) ]


  • limit impossibly quick responses w/ waitForKey.m:fastestResponseTime. set to 60ms.

Files and Editing

all functions have minimal help. In Matlab/ocatve, see e.g. help audodd.

  • audodd.m -- edit to change response keys and screen size | entrence to task, general wrapper

  • testSetup.m -- run to test functions on a new computer, edit if new problems need to be tested

  • PTBsetup.m -- edit to change bg color | general psychtoolbox setup, launch screen

  • instructions.m -- edit to change instructions | dispalys instructions on a screen

  • loadSounds.m -- edit to change sounds and order | load (cache) sounds and set play order

  • fixation.m -- edit to change size/color of fixation cross | show fixation cross

  • runTrial.m -- edit to change what trial info recorded | run a trial

  • waitForKey.m -- edit to change fastest allowable response time | return response and keypress time

  • stimuli/*wav -- actual sound stimuli. TODO: fix freq of std and target

  • playsnd.m -- helper, no need to edit

testing/exploring individual functions

w = PTBsetup([0 0 800 600]);    % create a small screen
[snds, sndlist] = loadSounds(); % load up all sounds we will use

% look at fixation cross (need w)

% play a sound (needs snd)

% test insturctions (need w and snd)
% test instructions with subject snd test

% test keybaord input (needs no extra variables)
[r k] = waitForKey(KbName('a'),Inf)
[r k] = waitForKey(KbName({'a','b'}), GetSecs()+2 )

% run a full trial (need snds)
runTrial('std',snds.std ,KbName({'a','b'}),GetSecs(),GetSecs()+2)