Meson scripts

Transfer file from MR server to

Previous automation pulled from meson while on wallace. This previous direction was sub-optimal: need expect to enter password; wallace's uptime is unpredictable: transfers died with no real audit.


  • these scripts are run on the MR data server (meson) via crontab. See meson.crontab


  • 01_checkDaily.bash: use yesterday's date to find and validate lunaid_dates that might exist for any project, rsync to wallace
  • 00_linkAll.bash: link everything scan matching luna_date in ~/MRprojects/*/ to ~/MRlinks/*/luna_date
    • check no links are made to that location in link dir, list of known links is in knownlinks
  • 00_rsync.bash: rsync everything over. look only for files that dont exist or have changed size


  • use skipme file to ignore any e.g. malformed and dealt-with-by-hand luna_date directory on meson
    • directories with this file will never be linked and therefore never transfered to wallace
    • DO NOT put a skipme file in a directory whos link needs to be or has been named differently (e.g. to fix malformed date). The scripts check for links with different names before linking in missing directories already. Incorrectly named directories do not need to be skipped


  • run things on wallaces side (FS, mprage preproc)