
Book Trade App Project

Primary LanguageDart


Aceecpted the fact yet still miss u QAQ, anyways love u <3

The app is now available on testflight!
Email me if u wana join as a beta tester! ggwp12335@gmail.com

To Do List (FE_Iron lol):

WinDoriaHeartBack(So far far away QAQ)
Implmenting book recomandations from GPT\
Chatter: (Chat Icon using hardcode)
Showotheruser_page: remove duplicated chat with user
Home page: chat with user becomes a trade request
Upload page: Remove the Add optional parameters menu, maybe remake the interface
ChatRecord: 3 dots add see user profile?(cannot prompt)
Chatter: add upload image and take photo in chat
Chatter: Auto Load
ShowTradeB (trade Busket) for displaying the trading items
Edit/CreateTradeB (trade Busket) for displaying the trading items
Chatter: Chat with userbutton can show trade list
(FE) Trade Interface: Selection list for selecting self and other inventory
(FE) Remember me function for savingup account credentials
Settings: Privacy-> no display icon?
Settings: Dark mode?
Settings: About -> website for intro
Settings: Change email/password\ In progress... (ahbee how u hash it QAQ) Settings: Delete account
ready for migrating stash image server to AWS S3

Done List:
Tested and works perfect on Andriod Pixale
Trade List Pages
Upload page
Inventory List
Book Search List
Book Search Detail
Change Avatar
Better home page
Other user profile
Chatter Record
Basicsetting page
Auto refresh(Abord)
On Testflight
Real useable app on apple Beta Test with 2 testers

Self note: The security of this app is bad af :(
Image uploadpart shd be handled at node instead of client

Wish you all a good day!