
Multi terminal spinner no dependenies

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

npm npm Maintained


Javascript Nodejs


npm install multispinners


    const  multiSpinner = require('multispinners')
    const  ms = new  multiSpinner()
    // Show All spinners
    //Create a spinner
    ms.createSpinner("threeDots", {frames:[".", "..", "..."]})
    ms.createSpinner("emoji", {frames:[": ", ":)", ":D"]})
    //Parallel add spinners
    ms.add('faa587d1',"threeDots","Loading") // costum spinner
    ms.add('606903ff',undefined,"Charging") // default spinner
    ms.add('ade726da',"dots2","Connecting") // spinner choosed
    ms.add('1c9159a6',"emoji","Loving") // costum choosed
    // Start the loaders
    // Update text
    setTimeout(() =>  ms.update('faa587d1',"Update text"), 3000);
    // Fail icon and update text
    setTimeout(() =>  ms.fail("606903ff","Fail text"), 3500);
    // create a subtext message
    setTimeout(() =>  ms.subtext("606903ff","Check your conection"), 5500) // spinner choosed
    // Update icon and update text
    setTimeout(() =>  ms.succed("faa587d1","Succed text"), 6500);
    // Warn icon and update text
    setTimeout(() =>  ms.warn("ade726da","Warn text"), 4500);
    // Info icon and save text
    setTimeout(() =>  ms.info("1c9159a6"), 8000);
    // End all loaders
    setTimeout(() =>  ms.stop(), 9000)