
All credit goes to the king XXO at https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/55921-multiple-keyboards-workaround/

Primary LanguageAutoHotkey

Copy the scrips to a file using the same names as provided. 
Download HID macros to %A_ScriptDir%\HidMacros.
Run HIDmacros_KeypadScriptGenerator.ahk and go through the wizard, the HID macros script will be pasted to the clipboard.
Create a file %A_ScriptDir%\HidMacros\HidMacros.ini, paste the clipboard and save.
Run HIDmacros.ahk.
Configure the keypads in HID macros.
Hide HID macros by double clicking the tray icon.When using the code, but keep in mind: It's designed for keyPADS not keyBOARDS. If you wan't to use a full keyboard you need to add a LOT of extra keys to all three scripts.

Credits to this goes to: XXO who made version 1, then again to XXO who made version 1.1 which changed from an ini output to xml output.

I believe I havnt even changed this enough to warrant a V1.2, so this is V1.1.1.