A group project to clone Udemy Landing page.
- Get used to group work with GitHub, Slack, and Trello
- Deepen understanding about React and React related libraries such as styled-components and Material UI
- To avoid unnecessary merge conflicts: We practiced using GitHub here before this project. (Releated article: GitHub: We Are Save Main Repository Committee, )
- To use issues to communicate via GitHub (Releated article: GitHub: Understand issue close keywords with experiments)
- To share individual tasks together: We uesd Slack and Trello
Yuko: Create categories' menu list by using material ui, context API, and useReducer
Ayako: Using GitHub, especially understanding pull request workflow and the GitHub terms was challenging until I got used to it.
Phoebe: Created the StudentsViewing section and refactored codes by making these components reusable
Lily: Implemented a carousel function to each course lists.
- React
- styled-components
- Material UI
- react-items-carousel