
config and manage typed extra settings using just the django admin. :gear:

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


config and manage extra settings using just the django admin.


  • Run pip install django-extra-settings
  • Add extra_settings to settings.INSTALLED_APPS
  • Run python manage.py migrate
  • Run python manage.py collectstatic
  • Restart your application server



All these settings are optional, if not defined in settings.py the default values (listed below) will be used.

# if True the template tag will fallback to django.conf.settings,
# very useful to retrieve conf settings such as DEBUG.
# the upload_to path value of settings of type 'file'
# the upload_to path value of settings of type 'image'


Just go to the admin where you can:

  • Create a new setting
  • Update an existing setting
  • Delete an existing setting


You can retrieve settings programmatically:

from extra_settings.models import Setting

value = Setting.get('SETTING_NAME', default='django-extra-settings')


You can retrieve settings in templates:

{% load extra_settings %}

{% get_setting 'SETTING_NAME' default='django-extra-settings' %}


# create python virtual environment
virtualenv testing_django_extra_settings

# activate virtualenv
cd testing_django_extra_settings && . bin/activate

# clone repo
git clone https://github.com/fabiocaccamo/django-extra-settings.git src && cd src

# install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

# run tests
# or
python setup.py test
# or
python -m django test --settings "tests.settings"


Released under MIT License.

See also

  • django-admin-interface - the default admin interface made customizable by the admin itself. popup windows replaced by modals. 🧙 ⚡

  • django-colorfield - simple color field for models with a nice color-picker in the admin. 🎨

  • django-maintenance-mode - shows a 503 error page when maintenance-mode is on. 🚧 🛠️

  • django-redirects - redirects with full control. ↪️

  • django-treenode - probably the best abstract model / admin for your tree based stuff. 🌳

  • python-benedict - dict subclass with keylist/keypath support, I/O shortcuts (base64, csv, json, pickle, plist, query-string, toml, xml, yaml) and many utilities. 📘

  • python-codicefiscale - encode/decode Italian fiscal codes - codifica/decodifica del Codice Fiscale. 🇮🇹 💳

  • python-fsutil - file-system utilities for lazy devs. 🧟‍♂️