
⌨️ A curated list of Open Source Mechanical Keyboard resources.

Primary LanguageVue


The goal of this repository is to collect mechanical keyboard related projects (preferably Open Source).

View the pages on Keebfolio.netlify.app or GitHub:


Contributions are welcome!   To add content, edit the Markdown file in the docs folder and open a Pull Request. You can also open a new Issue.
Please use this commit message conventions.

The project uses Gridsome as a Static Site Generator. Netlify Status

Creating local development environment

Creating Github Auth Token
  1. Go to https://github.com/settings/tokens
  2. Click "Generate new token"
  3. Set note and expiration, then click "Generate token"
  4. Copy generated token, you will need it in another step
Installation and running local version
  1. Create environment variables:
    • GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN with generated token as its value.
    • GITHUB_API_V4_URL with value https://api.github.com/graphql
  2. Clone repository
  3. npm install
  4. npm run develop
